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*Mycroft POV*

"We found something interesting."

"What is it?"

Donna slides a file across my desk towards me, eyes wide with fear. I open it, sending her out of the room so I can read through it in semi silence.

"What's that?"

"You really shouldn't be here."

"Well, I am."

Greg sits down in my lap, kissing me softly. I close the file, standing carefully. He stands with me, smiling as I kiss him again.

"I'm working."

"You said you would be done by dinner."

"And what time is it?"

"Past eight."

"Did you eat already?"

"No, I was waiting for you."

"I'm sorry, not tonight. Go eat, alright? Ill be home once this is over. I promise."

He nods, kissing me lightly before he leaves. I open the file again, heart stopping when I read through it. They found Sherlock, in Siberia.

"Donna! I need a jet ready, I'm leaving."

"Right now sir?"

"Yes. I'm leaving as soon as it is ready."

"Alright. Ill come get you once its ready."

"Thank you."

Donna nods, running back out of the room. I grab my mobile, dialing Gregs number quickly. He picks up almost immediately, sounding worried.

"Hey. Is everything alright?"

"I'm sorry, I cant come home tonight."

"What happened?"

"Its important. I'm...I'm not sure when I'll be able to come back."

"Whats going on Myc?"

"I cant tell you that."

"Be careful. Please, come home."

"As soon as I can, I promise."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up a few seconds later, just as Donna comes back.

"Your plane is ready sir."

"Thank you."

She nods, leaving with me. I board the plane quickly, closing my eyes as we take off.

Two Years GoneWhere stories live. Discover now