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*Mycroft POV*

He's still doing alright. Goes back in to the doctors tomorrow to get the cast off. We'll find out if hes allowed to walk or not. -IA

That's brilliant. -MH

Yeah, hes ready to be off of the crutches. -IA

I can imagine so. -MH

How is everything back in London? -IA

Fine. -MH

Good. -IA

And everything down there? -MH

Nothing to report. Did my weekly drugs sweep last night, nothing. He stopped taking the prescriptions after you talked to him a few weeks ago. -IA

The pain has been manageable then? -MH

Not sure, he hasn't spoken to me since he stopped taking them. -IA

That's fine, he'll come around. -MH

I hope so, house gets a tad quiet. -IA

He will, just takes time. I have to go, Greg gets home soon. -MH

Alright. Ill call you tomorrow morning and you can talk to him then. -IA

Thank you. Good night. -MH

You too. -IA

I slip my mobile back into my pocket, lying back in my bed.

"Hey love."

I open my eyes slowly, smiling when I realize Greg is sitting on my hips.

"How was your day?"

"Ugh. Dull. Yours?"

"I missed you. When do you get cleared to go back?"

"After I complete the 'mental stability' testing. They're not sure if I'm ready to go back yet."

"And what do you think?"

"I'm alive. It bores me to be stuck here alone."

Greg kisses me lightly, sucking gently on the skin at the base of my neck.

"Do you want to order some takeaway?"


His hands move slowly, carefully unbuttoning my shirt.


"Youre alright. What's wrong?"

"Youre moving so slowly."


"Dont be such a tease."

He moves even more slowly, smirking down at me as I squirm underneath him.

"Relaxe love, ive got you."

"Stop teasing me..."

"Where would be the fun in that?"

"Babe, please."

I look up inquiringly, trying to sit up.

"No, I'm in charge tonight."

Greg smiles, pressing another soft kiss against my skin. I push up against him, struggling to gain more friction. He places a hand on my stomach, pushing me down and against the bed.

"Slowly tonight."


"No. First, you're going to eat. We're going to go order some takeaway, and then I think I may have some work things to finish."



He smirks again, kissing me lightly before rolling off of me.

"Come on love, to the kitchen."

I smile softly, managing to get him pinned to the wall after he finishes ordering our dinner.

"Are you sure you dont want to finish this now?"

He shakes his head, pulling me in for another kiss. Someone knocks on the door, forcing us apart. Greg goes to ansser it, pulling in the food and passing it off to me. A box slips off the top, quickly caught by Greg before he turns back to the delivery man.

"Nice catch."

"Thanks. Learned that from the pizza man."



Greg shakes his head, chuckling softly as he counts out the money and pays the boy.


"Have a good evening."

"You too."

I shut the door, taking the food into the sitting room. Greg follows close behind, switching on the telly as we settle in for the night.

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