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*Sherlock POV*

"Are you sure you should be up?"

Irene is bothering me still, concerned that I shouldnt be out of bed so soon after my release date.

"I said I'm fine. Please, just drop it."

"Fine. You better eat today, I'm going in to work."

"Ill eat if I remember."

"Its Sunday."


"You said you were expecting something important on Sunday. I wasn't sure if you had forgotten something again."

"Oh. Ill check."

"Okay. I'm leaving now, my mobile is posted on the fridge and on your desk in your room if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Be careful."

I nod, turning back to my papers. My mobile rings a few hours later, startling me awake. I cant move, shaking too badly from fear. The call drops, so I check the screen after I recover and call back.

"Sherlock, are you there?"


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"You scared me."

"What happened?"

"Fell asleep again. The ringing startled me."


Mycroft chuckles lightly, telling someone to go back to sleep before he continues talking to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like rubbish. It hurts, but I dont want to take the meds because they screw with my head."


"Ill be fine."

"Youre not-"

"No, I'm not."


"How did Graham take the news?"

"Greg is worried still, it'll wear off soon enough. I cant go in for work until I'm cleared medically though, so I'm stuck at home while he's at work."

"That sucks."

"Yeah. How about Cheryl, is she alright?"

"Managing. Reminded me to do something, cant remember what."

"Have you eaten recently?"

"No, must be it."


"I'm fine, really. Not even hungry."

"Please, eat something."

"I'm making tea right now, relax."

I hobble into the kitchen, leaning heavily on my crutches as I reach up to open the cabinet to grab the cups and tea. The kettle boils quickly, whistling loudly.

"How is John doing?"

"A tad bit better. I'm sending him home tomorrow, back to work too."

"Is he ready for that yet?"

"I hope so. We think that if he is distracted by work, it'll keep his mind quiet."

"That's perfect. Thank you Mycroft."

"Of course. He misses you, always makes two cups when he pours tea in the morning."

"I know."

I curse, realizing I'm doing the same.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just caught myself doing the same."

"Oh Sherlock, I know this is hard for you two."

I sigh softly, sitting down in an armchair with my tea.

"Call me if you need anything Sherlock, alright? John just got up, I need to go make sure he's okay. I love you."

"Thank you. Love you too."

Mycroft hangs up, leaving me to my thoughts.

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