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*Sherlock POV*

Something is in my arm, loud beeping assulting my ears as I wake up. The lights are too bright, room foreign and strange to me. My mind is too fuzzy to process anything, adding to my panic.

"Calm down."

I turn my head slightly, shutting my eyes against the nausea. Someone is holding my hand, rubbing gentle circles on the back of it to calm me down.


"Yeah. I'm here. I promised you, didnt I?"


"How are you feeling?"

"I cant feel much of anything."

"That's good, for now. They went back, Moriartys body is gone."

"Damn it!"

"Relax, we'll figure it out. I'm sure we can keep enough surveillance on you this time. You have another six and a half months left."

"I'm staying another full year after that."


"John. He...he can't..."

"Calm down. If you want to stay, you can stay and finish. I'm not sure how long they are going to hold you here for, but Irene agreed to keep you in her flat until you can walk again. After that, its your decision of flying or driving."

"Ill drive. You got me caught this time, I'm going on my own."

"No! You need to stay where I can see you, please."


"Because, I can't...I cant loose you. Not like this again."

"Disposable phones. Cant track them, and I can switch every month. You give me a location, and ill go find somewhere to stay close by. Ill give you an address and you will send case info, no extra contact. Not like last time."

"Fine. But if you go missing again, I'm coming back to get you and dragging you back to London myself."

"Dont. I dont want you getting hurt again. This will raise enough questions when Greg sees it."


"Dont try to act like you two arent intimate yet, I know you are. Sleeping together at least, possibly a tad bit more. You keep checking your mobile, he promised to call you after work?"


"And what are you going to tell him?"

Mycroft shifts uncomfortably, slipping his mobile back into his pocket.

"Cant tell him the truth, I wont risk exposing you again."

"Like it mattered the first time."

"Dont do this Sherlock. You knew the risks when you agreed to it."

"And yet you came. This wouldnt have happened if you had stayed home!"

A nurse walks in, instantly ending our conversation. Mycroft moves to the side, allowing her to check the monitors.

"We need to change the bandages now."

"You're going to need help."

"Is that an offer to stay?"


"And you know what you're doing?"


"Alright, keep him as still as you can. He shouldnt be able to move very much yet, but you need to try and keep him as calm as possible."

Mycroft nods, shifting to block my view of my injuries.

"Are we ready?"


I reach out, grabbing Mycrofts hand tightly as she begins un-wrapping the bandages around my leg.

"You're alright, its okay. Sherlock, look at me. Just focus on me, ignore her."

He leans in closer to me, whispering softly in an attempt to distract me from the pain.

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