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*Mycroft POV*

Greg is still next to me when I wake up, nestled safely in my arms where he fell asleep last night. I smile, tracing gentle patterns down his arms and chest absent-mindedly.

"Morning love."

"Morning. How did you sleep?"

He smiles sleepily up at me, kissing my hand lightly before responding.

"Brilliantly. How about you?"



Greg kisses the top of my hand again, snuggling closer to me.

"You go back to work tomorrow?"


"That's amazing, good job love."

I chuckle softly, threading my fingers through his.

"Mhhh...I'm going to miss mornings like this. Being here before you leave."

"That's fine love. We still have the weekends."

"We do, don't we?"

Greg laughs quietly, rolling over so he is facing me. I lean forward, kissing him softly before pulling back and resting my forehead against his.

"I love you."

Greg kisses me again, gently tracing his hand down my stomach and across the new scars.

"I love you too."

I grab his hand suddenly, just before he reaches where the bullet hit.

"Its alright. I'm sorry."

He manages to free his hand, reaching up to rest it on my cheek.

"Its okay Myc, don't cry."

Greg trails his hand gently down my face, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

"Its fine."

"Love, you're crying. What's wrong?"

I force a small smile, pulling Greg closer to me and resting my chin on top of his head.

"I'm alright. Its just difficult is all."

"What is difficult? I want to help you, to be there for you, but I cant do anything until you talk to me love."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Its alright. Just, whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here. Always. Okay?"


"I love you Myc."

"Love you too."

Greg kisses me again, wrapping his arms around me. He lies his head on my shoulder, falling asleep again some time later. I carefully pull away, covering him up with the blankets before walking out into the kitchen. My mobile starts ringing, the sound loud in the quiet of the flat.


"Mycroft? I...I lost him."

"You...no. You what?"

"Hes gone."

"Gone where?"

"I dont know. Most of his stuff is gone. He...he left your stuff, everything you gave him is still here. Do you want it sent out?"

"Yes. Anything he left, send here."


"Find him. Go, start looking."

"Mycroft...hes...hes gone. Entirely gone. I'm sorry."

"No, he cant be gone. He's injured, has no help, and alone. There's no way he can have just left."

"Ill send the stuff over now. Goodbye Mycroft."


She hangs up, just as Greg walks into the room behind me.

"Myc, love, are you alright? What's going on?"

"I umm...its fine."

"Come on, you said you would talk to me when you're stressed. Please?"

"I...I cant. Not about this."


"I'm sorry, I cant."

"You said you would start talking to me love. I can't help you if you dont let me."

"Its not something I can-"

"You can Myc, and you know you can. So please, sit down and talk to me. You've been shutting me out since he died, and its hurting me. I know you're in pain, but it hurts me too. I didn't know him like you did, but I know this isnt what he would have wanted. Call me when you're ready to stop this."

Greg grabs his coat, jamming his mobile in his pocket before walking out the door.

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