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*Sherlock POV*

"Dont move."

I open my eyes, wholly irritated at yet another interruption. Someone is standing in front of me, gun raised to my head. His hands are shaking, eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. One other man walks in, gun held to the head of the woman who bandaged me up when we first took off. Two gunshots sound out down the corridor, plane taking a sharp dip that sends us stumbling. I dive towards the boy closest to me, taking his knees out and falling on top of him. His gun skitters away under a seat, just beyond my reach, and we both start struggling to reach it.

"Help me!"

Someone grabs my arm, roughly pulling me backwards and slamming me against the floor hard enough to daze me for a few minutes.

"Is it him?"

"Yes...yes, its him."

"Perfect. We need to deliver him to the location then."

Pain tears through my arm when it is pinned to the ground, making me bite my lip to avoid yelling.

"Don't hurt him too badly, not yet. Get rid of the extras, we don't need them."

I close my eyes tightly, flinching when I hear five gunshots.

"Wait. Leave her, he may need some...extra incentive to cooperate."

The woman yelps, slammed against the floor beside me.

"I want them both secured properly, he wont like it if we loose him."

"Yes sir."

Someone slips a rope around my wrists, tying it off tightly enough to cut off circulation instantly. The woman is struggling against the men, tears running down her face.

"Shut her up."

A gun is held to her head, effectively silencing her shouts of protest as they finish tying her to one of the tables that are bolted to the floor.

"Sir, something is wrong. The...the plane wont stabilize. Its not working. We're...we're going to crash."

Everyone hits the ground, gripping tightly to anything that is bolted down. Someone grabs the back of my shirt, securing my wrists to one of the chairs as the plane dips dangerously to the left.

"Is everyone set? I'm trying to guide us down into the water."

"Just do it! Hurry up, we have a better chance if you can get us down in the water."

I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, fingers stretching for purchase on the table as I am thrown violently to one side. The initial impact is loud, electricity being cut and drowning us in darkness. Soon cold water is filling the cabin, chilling me as it wraps around my legs. The men who attacked us pop a hatch open, scrambling out and leaving me and the woman bound tightly. She is dead already, impact hard enough to kill her. I'm alone, struggling feebly to pull myself free. The ropes cut into my wrists, drawing blood as my hands go numb. I am sent hanging as the plane tips on its side, sending sparks of pain through my arms. My grip on the table isn't enough, and my fingers slip off, leaving me hanging my just my aching wrists. The water is up to my neck now, next shift of the cabin plunging my head below the icy water. Panic engulfs me completely, rational thought abandoning me as I start thrashing around, movement slowed by the water. Something comes closer to me, flash of sunlight off of metal catching my eye. Someone is swimming towards me, using the tables and chairs to pull themselves closer to me. They cut the ropes quickly, turning and pushing off of the table to propel themselves out of the hatch and back towards the sunlight. My vision darkens, cabin tipping again and something pins me to the wall. I am unable to free myself, closing my eyes and releasing the breath that I was holding to let in the water.

Two Years Goneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن