Check in

32 2 4

*Mycroft POV*

"He's not eating, and I haven't seen him in the past week. Whenever he's out, he's gone for hours and usually returns the next day or late in the evening."

"What does he do when you see him?"

"He's depressed, and I think hes using again."

"Damn it. Put him on."

"You cant talk to him every time you call."

She walks away from the phone, calling softly for Sherlock. Greg is in the lounge, passed out on the sofa. I figure I have ten more minutes before he wakes up.


"What's going on? She says youre not eating and possibly using again. You said you would stay clean. What do you do when you're out?"

"He's dead already Mycroft, took care of him yesterday."

"Then where do you go so often?"

"Doesnt matter."

"Don't you dare jeopardize your safety or hers. Its not your decision."

"I'm not."

"Good. Start eating, I don't want to hear you started using either."


"Be careful."

"You too."

He hads the phone back to Irene a few minutes later, a door slamming some where in the house.

"Is he okay?"

"Ill keep you posted."

Irene gives me her mobile number, promising me that she can message more often than she can call due to safety reasons. The line goes dead as soon as I have the number written down, just before Greg wakes up.


"Hey love. I'm in here."

Greg shuffles into the room, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his oversized jacket.

"I need to go check in on John. Are you coming with me today?"


"Alright. Go put on some trousers at least."

He looks down, blushing to realize he is still in his boxers.

"Yep. Be down in a mimute."

I watch him walk upstairs, messaging Irene.

Hello Cheryl. -MH

Sir? -CL

Yes. -MH

Good. -CL

Message me when he comes out please, see if you can get him out of the house for a few hours. -MH

How do you suggest I manage that? -CL

I dont know, but I need you to check his room for drugs. -MH

Ill try my best. -CL

Thank you. -MH

Of course. -CL

I have to go. Thank you. Good luck. -MH

Greg comes back downstairs, fully clothed this time, and hugs me lightly.

"What's wrong love?"

He reaches up, wiping a tear off my cheek gently.

"Just stressed. And I'm worried about everyone."

"Its alright. Everyones going to be okay."

I nod, holding him closer for a few seconds before we leave for the car.



"Slow down love, its okay."

I actually focus on the road, slowing the car down quickly.

"Do you need me to drive?"

"No, its fine. We're almost there anyways."

We pull up minutes later, parking the car and knocking on the door.

"Hello boys, John is upstairs."

"Thank you Mrs. Hudson."

"Will you need anything? Tea maybe?"

"Yes please."

"Ill be up in a few minutes."

"Thank you."

She nods, heading back into her flat as we ascend the stairs to 221 B.


He doesn't respond, as always, probably lying in his bed still as he doesnt usualy get up until later.

"Is he here?"

"In his bedroom."

"Should we go wake him?"

"Not yet, he'll be up soon enough."

Greg and I sit on the sofa, cuddling together until Mrs. Hudson brings the tea up.

"Is he still in bed?"

"I'm afraid so."

She sets down the tea tray, walking back downstairs and into her flat again.

"So, what do we do now?"

"We wait."

Greg chuckles lightly, leaning back against my side and kissing my cheek. I turn to face him, our kiss becoming more passionate when I hear a door open and shuffling footsteps down the hall. He pulls away, but stays lying against my side when John comes into the room.

"Hello John."

John looks at us for a moment, collapsing into his armchair and taking a tea from the table.

"How did you sleep?"

He shrugs, curling up and raising the glass slowly to his lips. His eyes are red rimmed and bloodshot, obviously he has been crying again.


A moment of silence passes before ehe even looks at me, lips parted as if to say something before he shakes his head and turns away again.

"I think you need to get out of the flat for a while, go back to work. You know what I mean?"

John nods, eyes unfocused as he starts crying silently.



Greg pulls me up, starting to walk away when John grabs his wrist and pulls him back.

"Just Greg."

"You want me to go wait out in the car for you Greg?"


I nod, letting go of his hand and going back out to my car to wait.

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