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*Mycroft POV*

Sherlock is passed out again, the strength of his medications proving more than whatever will he has left.

"We're here. Say goodbye."

I nod, rousing Sherlock as gently as I can.

"Hey, come on. Get up."

"Don't go."

"Sherlock, wake up. Come on, its alright."

"Please dont go."

"Come on."

Sherlock finally wakes up, in a state of minor panic.

"Hey, calm down. Sherlock, look at me."

I pin him to the seat, talking him down quickly.


"Yeah, that's it. I'm right here. Are you alright?"

"He....they...they came back...and...and..."

"Shhh...youre okay. I'm right here."

"But youre leaving me again."

"We've been over this, I need to get home. You made the decision to stay another year."

Sherlock nods, still struggling to make me release him.

"I'm not letting go until you calm down. Breathe Sherlock."

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

I nod, slowly letting him get up. He instantly jumps up, hugging me tightly.

"Shhh...its alright, you're going to be okay. I promise you, we'll pull you out if anything gets bad. Alright?"


"You need to let me go."

Sherlock slowly lets go of me, sitting back against the seat.

"I love you."

"I love you too Mycroft."

"Be careful."

"You too."

I hop out of the car, walking slowly to the plane. Irene drives off, taking Sherlock to the next safe house. I send him a single message before I get on board.

Sunday. Love you. Be careful. -MH

Love you too. -SH

The plane takes off, taking me back home. Greg is waiting for me as soon as I get off, running over to hug me before he remembers no one knows about our relationship yet. He settles instead for a light hug, shaking my hand after.



We jump in a cab, making the slow drive back to the flat. Greg pulls me upstairs quickly, hugging me as soon as the door closes.

"I...I missed you."

"Hey, its alright. I missed you too. Is John..."

"Hes sleeping in the guest room."


"Let me see it."

"See what?"

"Myc, love, you said you got shot."

"I'm fine."


"Okay. Lets go back to our room first."

He nods, taking my hand and walking back quickly. I lock the door behind us, unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off slowly. Greg instantly reaches forward, hand gently trailing over my chest and stomach. I wince, closing my eyes.

"Are you alright? This is all new love, what happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Myc, please. What happened?"

"They got caught up with the target, stuck for a few days. I went in, we knew I ran the risk of this happening, but I needed to get everyone out. Its alright, I spent the last week in a hospital."


"Hey, its alright."

Greg sits down, crying already. I sit beside him, hugging him tightly against me.

"Shhh...its okay."

"I...I didnt think..."

"Hey, look at me."

He looks up, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I'm okay. Alright? Dont upset yourself over it, I needed to take a bullet to save everyone else. Besides, it's not the worst injury sustained."

Greg nods, smiling as I kiss him.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

Someone knocks on the door, startling both of us.


"Hey, John, its alright. I'm coming."

Greg gets up, kissing me again before he goes to open the door. John is standing awkwardly in the hall, shifting his weight as the door opens.

"What's wrong?"

"I ummm...I cant sleep."

"You dont have to if you dont feel like it, just once a day. That's all I'm asking for, okay?"

John nods, letting Greg take him to the kitchen. I pull my shirt back on, following them out.

"Myc, love, would you put the kettle on please."

"Sure. Three?"



I start the kettle, pouring three cups once the water is done. Greg sits down beside John, who still wont look at me.

"So, how has everything been? I know I haven't gotten many opportunities to talk to you two recently."

"Its alright. Flat was a tad empty without you though."

John ignores me, out if habit, but does talk occasionally to Greg.

"Okay, its time for bed. John, are you alright in the room?"

He nods, getting up and leaving. Greg takes my hand, pulling me back to our room. I lie back, smiling as he undoes the buttons on my shirt.

"What are you doing love?"

"You wouldn't let me see earlier."


"I know. Just, please."


Greg pulls my shirt off fully, gently trailing his fingers across the newly formed scars that cross my body.

"It was him, wasn't it?"


"No, this is exactly the sort of thing he would do if-"

"Hey, babe, calm down. Its alright. I'm okay. See?"

I lean up and kiss him, just enough to bring his mind back before I pull away.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Hey, its okay. Dont be sorry, its not your fault."

We lie down together, falling asleep quickly after.

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