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*Sherlock POV*

"Sir, its time to take your medications."

I sit up painfully, closing my eyes until the nausea passes before I take the pills the nurse hands me.

"Please, just let me in. Just...just a minute. Please, I need to see him."

"Its too early for visitation sir."

"I dont care, let me in."

The door opens, Mycroft pushing his way in.


"Let him stay. Go away."

The nurse nods, leaving quickly and shutting the door softly behind her.

"What do you want?"

"Dont pout. Listen to me."


"I'm leaving."


Mycroft sits on the edge of my bed, letting me curl against his side.

"Now Sherlock. I had to visit you first, but its time for me to leave."

His mobile rings, forcing him away from me.

"Its Greg, hes visiting John today. I can put it on speaker if you're absolutely silent."

I nod, sitting up fully and leaning against Mycrofts side again. He answers the call, motioning for me to be quiet again.

"Myc? Are you there love?"

"Yes. Are you alright?"

"I umm...he tried it again."

I flinch, wiping a tear from my cheek. Mycroft wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"Is everything okay now?"

"Ive got him sleeping on the sofa in the flat."

Mycroft blushes, still forgetting I know about their relationship.

"That's good."

"Yeah. Is everything okay over there?"

"Ummm...sort of."

He bites his lip, shifting uncomfortably.

"What's wrong love?"

"Well, something happened, but its alright."


"I ummm...I got shot."

"What? Are you going to be okay?"

"Greg, hun, relax. I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes love, I'm fine. It didnt hit anything serious. Can I ummm, can I talk to John for just a minute please?"

"He's not..."


"You're coming home, right?"

"I...I need to deal with something back here first. Is another week alright?"

"Yeah, of course love."

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Here's John."


"Yeah. Hey, what happened?"

"I..I...I can' this...anymore. It much and...hes...he's hurts..."

"You need to calm down, relax. Please John, its going to be alright, I promise. I'm coming back in a week or two, can you stay at my flat until I get back?"


I burry my face against Mycrofts shoulder, struggling to conceal the pain I feel listening to John break down.

"Shhh...youre alright."

He's talking to me, though John seems to respond to it as well.

"You're...youre coming back though, right?"

"I promise. Just need to finish something here."

"What...what happened?"

"Nothing really. They need me to help with a few things before I can go home."


"I promise you ill be back by the end of the month. I dont want to get another call from Greg saying you had your gun again. Understood?"


John sounds almost calm by now, sniffling slightly as he hands the phone back to Greg.

"Go lie back down, or else get something to eat. Okay?"

I sit up again, lying back down against the pillows. Mycroft runs his hand through my hair, trying to keep me calm.

"How are you feeling love?"

"I'm fine. Just worried about you and John. Are you doing alright? No more episodes?"

"Only a few. Its fine."

"What happened?"

"Hun, I'm alright. Relax."

"I'm sorry, just worried about you."

George sounds worried, choking up a tad bit as he speaks.

"Hey, its alright. Ill be back soon, I promise. I need to go now, alright?"


"Love you."

"Love you too Myc."

The call ends, Mycroft jamming his mobile back into his pocket.



"When do you start walking again?"

"Youre really staying?"

He nods, hugging me again.

"Just until you're walking again, then I really have to go."

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Now, get some sleep."

"Alright. You too?"


Mycroft kisses my forehead, promising me to be back later as I fall asleep.

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