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*Mycroft POV*

I wake up suddenly, heart pounding. Greg winces, but doesnt wake up yet. He is still lying in my arms, head on my shoulder. I rest my chin on his head, tracing gentle patterns across his skin as a way of calming myself down. It takes a while, but eventualy I am able to think straight. Greg wakes up slowly, mumbling softly when I shift.

"Hey love. How'd you sleep?"

"Mhhh...still tired."

"You can stay home today, its Sunday."


Greg rolls over, now lying on his stomach and looking over at me.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head, reaching over and running my hand gently down his back. He smiles, closing his eyes and going back to sleep. I carefully get out of bed, heading into the kitchen for my tea. My mobile buzzes, a new message.

Found your pet. Should really do a better job of hiding them. -JM

You died. -MH

So did your brother. And your little pet here. Yet, here we are. All three of us, alive and together. -JM

Don't touch them. -MH

Too late. -JM

"Damn it!"

I throw my mobile down onto the counter, wincing when Greg walks out.

"What happened love?"

"I need to go in to work today, I'm sorry."

"Its alright. What happened?"

"One of our American operations isnt going well, they need me in to help them."

"Thats fine. Go help, I'll still be here when you come back."


"Of course."

Greg kisses my softly, lips barely brushing against mine.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

I grab my keys, heading out and making it to the office as quickly as I can.

"What's the update on our America operation?"

"New message sir, its already up on your computer."

"Thank you."

I run into my office, opening my messages and seeing a video in the newest one. It shows Irene, the only person I can identify visibly in the clip. Right at the end, I hear something that makes my heart drop. Sherlock is there too, a yelp of pain before I hear the sound of him whimpering in pain. He is crying out, voice raw from screaming already. I can't stop watching the video, flinching when the camera angle changes and I can see my brother. He is bloodied and beaten, a heavily bleeding cut across his brow. Just before the video cuts out, someone hits him again, drawing a heartwrenching cry from his lips. He yells my name, tears running down his face as the video ends. I sit for a few minutes, struggling to keep myself together. Donna walks in when I call for her, standing by my desk.

"Who else has seen this?"

"No one sir, just you. I saw the first little bit, but switched it off when I heard the screaming. We were just about to call you when you walked in."

"Thank you. I need a new team out there, they need to find out where they are being held."

"We lost connection with our last two groups sir, we can't send another."

"Then I will go. Send a new group or I am going to find them myself. Send them out now."

"Yes sir."

Donna walks out, calling for another group to be put together.

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