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*Mycroft POV*

I sit down at the counter, downing another glass of scotch before my mobile rings again. I ignore it, muting the ringer. The door opens, Greg walking in carefully.

"Hey love."


"Are you alright?"


He nods, walking down the hall to the guest room. We haven't been talking since he left a few weeks ago, but I did convince him to stay. I sigh, getting up and going to my room after another glass.

"Myc, love, can I come in?"


The door opens, Greg stepping into my room slowly.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You're starting to act like John was, what's wrong?"

"I...I can't..."

"Yes, you can. Talk to me love, I promise you its alright."

"No, its not. Its not alright. I'm not putting you in danger because of this."

"I'm already in danger. We live together Myc, that's not changing."

"I'm not allowing you to know more than is safe."

"And if you get hurt? What then Myc?"

"I wont."

"You did though. Its not the first time you have blocked me out then gotten stuck in the hospital for something I could have helped you avoid."

"You can't! You cant help me with this!"

Greg shrinks back, crossing his arms defensively. I am still lying on my stomach, pushing myself up and standing to face him.

"Why not? You promised, said you would talk to me."

"I cant. Stop asking. I promise-"

"Stop that, dont make a promise to me. Not right now."


My voice cracks, startling both of us. Greg shifts again, stepping forward to hug me.

"It'll be over soon enough. Then I can tell you. If all is well in the end, ill tell you. Okay?"

He nods, sitting down on my bed.

"Lie down. Get some sleep love."

I nod, lying down beside him and tugging a blanket around us. Greg snuggles closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. I rest my chin on top of his head, smiling as he falls asleep.

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