Chapter 46

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This kiss was unlike anything that Clarke has ever felt and she poured every emotion that she had into it, wanting Lexa to feel everything that she was feeling, everything that she had been holding inside, until suddenly...

Lexa jerked back. "Stop," she said, taking a deep breath and stepping backwards.
Clarke blinked. "I'm sorry," she said quickly. "I thought..."
"I know." Lexa cut her off, her chest was heaving. "I'm sorry. I just...I..."

Clarke watched her, feeling her eyebrows knit together in confusion. Something was off, wrong even. Lexa was tense, tense like she was in pain and shaking her head. "What is it?" She asked stepping forward and reaching out.
Lexa however, took another step back. "I just...I need to think," she replied before turning toward the door.
"Lexa?" Clarke called after her, but Lexa was already out the door and making her way down the hall.
"Not now," Lexa responded without stopping. "Please. I just need to think."

At that, Clarke froze in her tracks. Okay. Well, that was generally Lexa's way when she felt overwhelmed or like she'd done something wrong. She'd take some time and space to sort out her thoughts and then reappear and they'd talk. But this time, Clarke didn't wanted to wait. Lexa hadn't done anything wrong. Just as Clarke began to move again though, she heard the sound of an engine start and picked up her pace. No sooner did she open the front door and Lexa's car pulled away from the curb. Well, fuck. What the hell?

"What's going on?" Raven asked as she stepped forward.
"Lexa left," Clarke replied, feeling her heart sink a little.
"Did you tell her?" Raven asked curiously.
Clarke nodded and shut the door.
"And she left?" Raven was shocked. "Seriously?"
"Tell her what?" Anya inquired as she appeared at their side.
Clarke looked at her. Well, now that Lexa knew, there really wasn't any reason to hide it anymore. "That I'm in love with her," she answered.
"What?" Anya's eyes went wide with shock. "What did she say?"
"She said that she loved me too," Clarke shrugged, "and we kissed, but then she ran out."
"She didn't say anything else?" Anya asked, rather forcefully.
Clarke shook her head, but taking in the look on Anya's face, it was clear that Anya knew something that she didn't. "What?" She asked her quickly.
Anya shook her head, mentally cursing her sister's stupidity. "She's so stupid," Anya replied as she rubbed her eyes. "Give her some space. She'll be back."

Clarke didn't care for this response, but she knew that Anya was right. Lexa would come back and then they'd talk. They'd figure it out and decide what they were going to do about this new development in their relationship. Relationship? Friendship? Relationship. Definitely relationship. While they both had clearly never wanted to admit it, they had been more than friends for a long time now.

The night wore on, but Lexa didn't return, which only caused Clarke to become more and more concerned. Sometime after midnight, she fired off a text to her, but was disappointed when Lexa's phone went off inside her bag, which was still sitting next to the front door. Fuck. Maybe this was a mistake? No. It couldn't be. Lexa said that she loved her too. How could it be a mistake if they both felt the same?

However, then one night turned into two and then two into four and before Clarke knew it, a week had passed with nothing but radio silence between them and now, she was way passed worried and into plainly pissed off. What the hell was going on? Why had Lexa run off and where they hell had she been? Clarke had gone to her place, but was only met with Anya who gave her an apologetic look and claimed to have not seen her. This was bullshit. Such bullshit.

A knock at the door pulled Clarke out of her thoughts and she was off of the couch in record time, storming forward. She ripped the door open to find Lexa standing there, stone-faced and staring.
"What the hell, Lex?" She asked quickly. "Where have you been?"
"I'm sorry," Lexa replied firmly.
Clarke stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. She couldn't help but notice how stiff her body was and that she only halfheartedly returned the hug. "What's going on?" She questioned, her heart flooding with concern.
"Can we talk?" Lexa asked.
Clarke nodded and stepped aside.

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