Chapter 16

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Raven's surgery was a success and in the days that followed the procedure, her mood seemed to increase significantly.

"Hey Rae," Clarke said as she entered the room. She glanced around at the dozens of floral arrangements that littered the room and smiled.
"How'd you get here?" Raven questioned curiously as she sat up a bit.
"Octavia let me borrow her car while she's at work," Clarke answered. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling," Raven said with a grin as she touched her leg. "It hurts, but I can feel it."
Clarke didn't like the thought of Raven being in pain, but the fact that she could feel was something. "Drawback of getting the feeling back, huh?"
Raven nodded. "As soon as I heal up some, we're going to start physical therapy. Chances are good that I'll be able to walk, but I made need some assistance."
"Assistance?" Clarke asked as she sat down in the chair closest to the bed.
Raven shrugged. "Yeah, I don't know," she answered. "Maybe a cane or something?"
Clarke nodded. Well, a cane wasn't so bad.

"So, I finally got to meet Costia yesterday." Raven said as she shifted and changed positions. "She seems nice."
Clarke shrugged. "I guess," she responded flatly. Nope.
"What?" Raven asked curiously.
"Nothing," Clarke shook her head. Everything.
"Don't give me that shit, Griffin." Raven said as she pointed at her. "I know you. What is it?"

Clarke took a deep breath. Fine. She could tell Raven. "I don't trust her," she finally answered.
"Why?" Raven asked.
"I just get a bad vibe from her." Clarke explained as she leaned back in the chair. "I don't know why."
Raven thought for a moment. "Is it because she's with Lexa?"
"No," Clarke shook her head. "Well, maybe, but not like that. It's in the way she looks at me."
"How does she look at you?" Raven questioned.
"I don't know," Clarke shrugged and sighed a bit. "It's smug and snide. Like she's won some competition that I didn't even know I was competing in."
"Is it possible that you're seeing something that isn't there, just because of the last few months?" Raven asked. "I mean, you and Lexa are just starting to spend more time together again."
Clarke shrugged again. "Maybe?" Nope. She wasn't seeing things - not at all.
"Give it some time," Raven told her. "Maybe she'll be at Anya and Lexa's this weekend and you two can get to know each other a little better."
Clarke shook her head. "No weekends until you're out of here," she said simply.
A warm smile crossed Raven's face. "You guys don't have to do that," her voice came out soft.
"We want to," Clarke responded with a grin. "Everyone's already decided."
"It might be a while yet." Raven said, motioning to her leg.

"It takes as long as it takes," Lexa's voice floated into the room and turning, Clarke found her leaning in the doorway.

Shit. How long had she been there?

"When'd you turn up?" Raven asked curiously.
"Just a second ago," Lexa answered as she entered the room and held up a paper bag. "I thought maybe you'd like a break from that hospital food."
"Hell yes, I do." Raven smiled happily. "It's okay?"
Lexa nodded. "I cleared it with Abby."
Raven adjusted herself on the bed as she took the bag and peeked inside. Pizza. "You're awesome," she exclaimed happily.
Lexa grinned. "I've heard," she told her with a sharp wink.
Raven pulled out a slice and took a rather large bite. "Oh my f..." she moaned. "So good. Sorry Clarke, going to have to marry this one," she said, pointing to Lexa.
"Good luck taking on Costia," Clarke scoffed before she could stop herself. Shit.
"I'd be more worried about taking on you." Raven mumbled into her pizza.
"Oh stop it," Clarke laughed as she nudged Raven's shoulder while Lexa chuckled.
"Ow," Raven feigned. "Hey, I'm injured," she laughed.

They chatted for an hour while Raven ate her pizza. The conversation was pleasant and practically normal. Minus the fact that Raven was lying in a hospital bed, it was the best that Clarke had felt in weeks, that was, until Lexa's phone went off.

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