Chapter 30

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Clarke rolled over and stretched, every muscle in her body ached, but it was the best kind of ache in the world. Opening her eyes, she found that she was alone, but she didn't mind it. Everyone knew that Lexa was an early riser. As she shifted herself up to lean against the headboard, her thoughts went to the previous night.

She had heard it, the way that Lexa's breath had hitched in the hallway when she nuzzled in close to her and felt the way her body temperature increased as they stood there. As the night had worn on, more and more she was able to tell where Lexa's mind was and that she was trying to fight against it. It was in the smallest things, the tiniest of tells. Clarke hadn't been offended, not at all. If anything, all it did was entice her and by the time they were all settling in for the night, she was more than worked up herself. So, when Lexa came into her room to retrieve her charger, she couldn't let to opportunity pass.

As her friends had previously pointed out, Clarke was a sexual being and if Lexa was indeed aching with the same craving, she would be more than willing to satisfy it. Her curiosity had been answered the second that Lexa turned and looked at her with her green eyes dark and lustful and her breathing slightly labored. She had no doubt that Lexa wanted her just as badly and in that moment she found herself so grateful that her room was more set apart from the rest, at the far end of the hall, because she knew exactly what was coming. Clarke sighed as she pressed her head back against the headboard.

A moment later the door creaked open and Lexa stepped inside, looking freshly showered and already dressed with cup of coffee in her hand. "Hey," she said softly as she held out the cup. "I brought you coffee."
"Thank you," Clarke smiled taking the cup. She took a sip, before setting it on the nightstand. "What time is it?"
"Almost ten," Lexa answered as she knelt down and began rummaging through her bag.
"Why'd you let me sleep so late?" Clarke yawned.
"Obviously you were tired," Lexa answered, continuing to rummage.
"Yeah, and who's fault is that?" Clarke teased playfully.
Lexa found whatever she was looking for and stood up. "Oh, it's totally yours," she grinned at her.
Clarke feigned offence and chuckled.
"You should go take a shower," Lexa told her, jerking her thumb.
"Are you implying that I stink?" Clarke rubbed her eyes.
"Implying, no," Lexa shook her head and grinned again. "I'm flat out telling you and while it's a scent that I certainly don't mind, I'm sure that everyone else would appreciate you showering."
At this, Clarke couldn't help but laugh.
"Also, the pancakes are just about ready," Lexa told her as she moved toward the door. "So, I suggest you get a move on, unless you want Raven to eat them all."
Clarke sat up, "Tell that girl that I will cut her," she told her firmly. She wouldn't, not really, but still - pancakes.
"Yeah," Lexa smiled. "I'll get right on that."

When Lexa left the room Clarke quickly slipped into her robe and made her way to the bathroom down the hall. Though she'd always hate to admit it, Lexa was right and a shower was certainly in order. As she dropped her robe her eyes fell on several marks that had been left behind by Lexa, not that she minded them. Her fingers smoothed adoringly over the ones that she could reach, sending a subtle shiver slipping down her spine. Lexa was, without a doubt, the most versatile lover that Clarke had ever been with and there was just something undeniably remarkable about how well they complemented each other. They always had, right from the start and last night just proved, time doesn't change everything.

"Damn," Clarke smirked at herself in the mirror before stepping into the shower.

A little while later when she dropped into a chair between Lexa and Monty, Raven shot her a look. "Cut me?" She asked quickly.
"If you ate all of the pancakes?" Clarke laughed. "You're damn right."
Everyone at the table laughed as Raven stuck out her tongue.
"More coffee?" Lexa asked, holding the pot.
"Please," Clarke smiled at her.
Lexa refilled her cup and set the pot back down on the warmer.
"So, what's everyone doing today?" Jake asked with a yawn.
"Unfortunately, I have to take off after breakfast," Bellamy sighed. "Work."
"Gross," Octavia whined.
"I'm going to catch a ride with him," Monty added. "I have a lot to do to get ready for my presentation on Monday."
"Well, we're still glad you were both able to make it. "Abby told them.
"We're going shopping." Raven suddenly said.
"We?" Clarke looked up. "Who's we?"
"As of right now, it just me, Anya, Jasper and maybe, O." Raven replied.
"You're seriously going shopping today?" Lexa asked looking at Anya.
"I guess so," Anya shrugged before taking a sip of her coffee. "Someone has to keep this one out of trouble," she finished, motioning to Raven.
"Ha," Octavia shot out. "Good luck with that!"
"I am not that bad!" Raven insisted quickly.
"You absolutely are," Clarke countered as dropped a few pancakes on to her plate.
"Oh stop," Raven shot out with a laugh. "It's like the craziest shopping day of the year. You're allowed to get a little out of control."
"Raven, you literally went shopping out of peoples carts last year," Bellamy pointed out.
"They didn't need that stuff anyway," Raven shrugged as she took a bite of her bacon.

Octavia and Jasper giggled a little. They had been Raven's counterparts the previous year as well. Truthfully, the three of them had come away with some pretty amazing deals, but still, it wasn't tempting enough to make Clarke want to venture out into the stores today.

"Clarke, you and Lexa should totally come with us." Raven told her, her eyebrows popping a bit.
Lexa held up her hand. "I can't speak for Clarke," she said quickly, "but, I would rather stick hot needles in my eyes."
Raven scoffed at her and looked at Clarke. She knew that if Clarke was in, Lexa would go along too.
"Nope," Clarke shook her head. "I'm too far too tired to chase your ass from store to store."
"Well, maybe you should have gone to sleep earlier." Raven countered, her lips forming a smirk that spoke volumes.
Clarke glanced around the table and saw similar smirks on other faces. Okay, so apparently the way that she had spent her night was no secret. "Oh hush," she smiled slightly.

The rest of breakfast went on with random chatter and it was decided in the end that Raven was going shopping with Anya, Jasper, Octavia and Abby. Bellamy and Monty were heading home and Clarke, Lexa, Jake and Lincoln were going to hang around the house, at least, until the shoppers returned. They would decide after that whether they were staying another night or all going home.

"Oh Clarke, before I forget," Jake said just as they were finishing cleaning up.
"Hm?" Clarke looked up from her seat next to Lexa.
Quickly, he grinned as he tossed a book in her direction and amazingly, she actually caught it. Looking down at the title however, she couldn't help the blush that formed on her cheeks. She set it on the table and slid it in front of Lexa, who, upon glancing at the title, instantly flushed a deep red and averted her eyes.

A dictionary.

Clarke bit the inside of her cheek and stifled a chuckle before raising her eyes to meet her fathers. "I've highlighted the definition for you," he gave her a playful smirk and left the room, apparently satisfied that his point had been made, and possibly a little too amused with the slight embarrassment that he'd caused them.

"What's that about?" Raven asked curiously.

Clarke and Lexa glanced at each other for just a second before erupting in a fit of mostly silent giggles.

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