Chapter 25

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***New Event Created***

Linc: Well, looks like it's my turn. I'm not including Collins. If anyone wants to opt out because of that, I totally understand.
Reyes: In!
BabyBlake: Totally in!
Princess: I'll be there
Commander: I will too.
JasperJ: You know I'll be there. RoP???
MontyG: Yep.
Linc: Something sweet, I think. Not picky.
JasperJ: Okay. I'll find something.
BigBlake: Coin toss for me. I might be out of town. We'll see.
BabyBlake: Boo.
Reyes: Who's on food?
Linc: I got it. No worries.
A: I'm in.
Reyes: Looks like we're good.
BabyBlake: See everyone (hopefully) in a week!

Lexa tossed her phone aside and returned her attention back to her book. No one had even acknowledged Lincoln's comment about Finn. News of what had happened had spread and everyone had taken their own position on the situation, none of which were in Finn's favor. It wasn't just the fact that he had cheated on Clarke, no - it was the fact that the person he chose to cheat with, was Lexa's girlfriend. That was the decision that had spoke volumes to the group. It spoke to his character and to what he was willing to do. Everyone always knew that Finn was selfish, but this, this was beyond selfishness. If he was willing to do that, what else would he be willing to do? And to or with who?

Lexa knew that each of them had had words with him over it and everyone highly suspected that it had been Anya that had keyed up his car, but Lexa couldn't be sure. She wouldn't ask and Anya wasn't offering any information on the incident.

Lexa sighed as she she closed her book and tossed aside before picking up her phone again.

Lexa: What are you doing?
Clarke: Drowning in boredom. You?
Lexa: Same.
Clarke: What are you thinking?
Lexa: Comfy clothes and a movie marathon?
Clarke: Get your ass over here.
Lexa: Pizza?
Clarke: Chinese?
Lexa: Both?
Clarke: Oh. You're good.
Lexa: You order, I'll pick it up.
Clarke: Done.

An hour later Lexa was crossing the threshold into Clarke's apartment with a bag of Chinese food in one hand and a pizza box in the other.

"Hey," Clarke said as she stepped forward, taking the pizza box and turning her face lightly in clear anticipation of Lexa's usual greeting, which Lexa immediately gave her in the form of a very ghostly kiss on her cheek.
"Hungry?" Lexa asked as she set the food down on the coffee table, where Clarke already had everything else that they would need waiting.
"Starving," Clarke responded. "I was just getting ready to order something when your message came though. Perfect timing."
"Great minds," Lexa replied with a grin as she kicked off her shoes. "So what's the genre of the day?"
"Horror." Clarke answered easily.
"What?" Lexa's brow furrowed as she pouted lightly.
"Raven and Octavia told me about this trilogy, but I haven't had anyone to watch it with because we," Clarke's voice trailed off as she shrugged.
Lexa took a deep breath. "You don't like horror movies," she reminded her.
"Neither do you," Clarke nodded. "That's why it's perfect. Neither one of us can make fun of the other."
"I'm regretting bringing you food," Lexa said as she sat down on the couch.
"You are not," Clarke said as she dropped down on the couch next to her.

They each grabbed a healthy serving of food as Clarke clicked the remote and the movie started. The opening was awful and all Lexa wanted to do was turn on every light in the apartment and watch cartoons for the rest of the night. An hour and a half in though, she found herself surprisingly enjoying the movie, while Clarke was huddled into her side, constant burying her face into her shoulder.

"Don't go that way, stupid." Lexa said to the television.
"Oh god," Clarke buried her face again. "I can't watch."
"We're so totally watching the other two." Lexa laughed.
Clarke quickly shook her head and then a loud scream came from the television making her jump.
"Told you, stupid." Lexa said with a smile.

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