Chapter 24

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Tonight was the night. It had been a couple of days since the discovery of Finn and Costia's infidelity, but now that the two were back in town, tonight was the night that Clarke an Lexa would finally get to confront them. They had decided to have dinner at Clarke's apartment under the pretenses of burying all of the bullshit from the showcase.

Clarke was angry. For Finn to be cheating after everything, was just a huge slap in the face. She knew that their relationship wasn't amazingly great, but they tried and she would have never, ever done this to him. And Costia, of all the fucking people in the world to cheat with, it had to be her. Clarke shook her head. She was quite sure that Finn had no idea just how much would be destroyed by all of this. This was one of those things that could splinter a group - the type of thing that drew lines in the sand.

Her thoughts went to Lexa and she couldn't suppress a sigh. Lexa didn't do relationships, she never really had, so the fact that she had taken a chance with Costia really was a big deal. But, in return Costia had done possibly the worst thing that she could have and Clarke couldn't help but worry about the lasting effect that it would leave on Lexa. She sighed again.

"Thinking about Lexa?" Octavia asked from the kitchen.
"Am I that obvious?" Clarke questioned as she rubbed her eyes..
"I know that you're worried." Octavia replied as she continued slicing vegetables. She was the one doing the cooking for tonight. While Clarke was angry, no one should suffer through her cooking. Everyone knew that she really had no business in a kitchen.
"I am," Clarke admitted. "Not just about how she's going to react when she finally sees Finn tonight, but what this is going to do to her, like, on a whole."
"I understand." Octavia nodded. It was true. Lexa, on a level, was a sensitive soul. All things considered, no one was really sure how it would change her.
"You didn't see her," Clarke shook her head. "Not when she got here or when she realized that it was Finn."
Octavia looked up. "I know," she told her. "For Lexa, it's like a double smack. Her girlfriend cheating on her with someone so close. I mean, Finn and her aren't exactly close, but we all are, so."
"Exactly," Clarke sighed. She had already had the same thought.
"You should go take a shower," Octavia motioned to the bathroom. "I'm going to finish up here and take off."
"Yeah, okay." Clarke nodded as she stood up. "Thanks again for cooking."
Octavia smirked. "You're the one that said no to killing them," she reminded her playfully.
"Yeah, but they're not even going to be the ones eating it." Clarke pointed out with a small smile.
"I don't mind," Octavia assured her. "Go."

An hour later, Clarke moved through the kitchen making sure that everything was ready, she glanced at the clock. Soon. Soon they would be here and the night would begin, but really, Clarke was just ready for it to be over already. There was a light tapping at the door and Lexa popped her head inside. "Clarke?"
"Come on in," Clarke waved her in.

Lexa entered with Costia close by. An instant wave of fury pulsed through Clarke when Costia reached out and looped her arms with Lexa's. Clarke looked at Lexa, her jaw was slightly clenched as she slipped out of Costia's grip and moved to greet her. "Hey," she placed her usual light kiss on Clarke's cheek.
"Right on time," Clarke smiled pleasantly.
"Of course," Lexa grinned. "Where is he?" She added, her voice low.
"Never on time," Clarke shook her head. "Will you check the food?"
"Of course." Lexa nodded and walked off toward the kitchen.

Clarke's eyes went to Costia, who was moving through the room, her eyes wandering about quickly.

"Cute place," Costia told her politely.
"Thank you," Clarke nodded. "We try."
"Smaller than I expected." Costia noted.
"It works for us just fine," Clarke bit back lightly.

There was a noise behind Costia and suddenly Finn came though the door. "Sorry," he murmured. "Couldn't find a parking spot."
Clarke nodded.
"Hey princess," he smiled as he placed a sloppy kiss haphazardly on her cheek.
"Hey," Clarke tried to sound normal. Her eyes found Lexa's and though Lexa's attention was focused on the table, Clarke could see that he eyes were burning.

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