Chapter 27

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Two weeks later Lexa was leaning against the counter at Trikru, filling out paperwork when her phone lit up.

Clarke: Why did I agree to this?
Lexa: I don't know? What is this?
Clarke: Lunch with Wells.

Lexa stared at the phone, unable to stop the light scowl that had appeared on her face. She glanced at the time, she was supposed to be sparring with Lincoln soon and she had to get ready.

Lexa: I would imagine because Thelonious set it up.
Clarke: He did.
Lexa: Deep breath. It'll be over before you know it.

Tossing her phone in the drawer, she shook her head and quickly made her way over to one of the training rooms with her mind already becoming clouded. Wells Jaha, only son of Thelonious Jaha was, to put it simply, an ass. Lexa had tried to like him, really, she had, but it just wasn't possible.

It could be said that the one thing that set Clarke apart from the rest of the group was where she came from. Her parents were successful, very successful and really, Clarke should have been well off, except that she chose not to be. She didn't work two jobs because she had to, she worked two jobs because she chose to. She didn't want any success that she might achieve to be because of her parents. No. If Clarke was going to make it anywhere with her art, her music or anything else, she damn sure wanted to do it on her own. It was one of the most admirable things about her.

She would indulge on occasion and let her parents help, only help, with trips that she and her friends took, but that was about the extent of it. Hell, she had gone months now without a vehicle because she refused to let Jake and Abby pay for one.

"Ready?" Lincoln asked shortly after she entered the room.
"Ready," Lexa nodded at him.

Less than five minutes later she was flat on her back.

Wells, on the other hand, had no problem using his father's name, reputation and his money to get exactly what he wanted. He had been that way for as long as anyone could remember. People in high school either hated him or wanted to be him and while Lexa wouldn't go so far as to say that she hated him, she would say that she just simply couldn't stand him.

"You need to focus," Lincoln told her as she was knocked to the ground again.
"I am," Lexa insisted with a glare.

They had dated for a while in high school, Clarke and Wells. It made sense, really. Their families went back a long way, so no one was exactly surprised when they started dating. Funny enough though, the only person surprised when they broke up, was Wells. He just couldn't grasp why it wasn't working and honestly, became a bit of a jerk, until Lexa put him on his ass for making an inappropriate comment about Clarke. This was an action that Clarke both scolded and thanked her for, though it only fueled the rumors about them.

"Damn it, Lex." Lincoln said as he stood over her for a third time. "Focus."
"I am focused," Lexa growled as she got back to her feet again.
"You're not," Lincoln scolded her quickly. "You're thinking. Stop thinking."
Lexa nodded. Right. Stop thinking.

Not a moment later, Lincoln was on his back. "See," he winced up at her. "Told you."

Okay. So maybe she had been thinking too much.

A few hours later, as Lexa was finishing up her shift, she finally retrieved her phone from the desk drawer, slightly surprised by the fact that she had no messages.

Lexa: Did you survive?
Clarke: I did, but barely. He hasn't changed a bit.
Clarke: And he's coming to work at Polis.

Lexa glared at the phone. Brilliant.

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