Chapter 22

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Clarke wanted to go home. That was all. Her mood was shit, this shift had sucked and she just wanted to be home. It had been a week since the showcase, and a really shitty week at that. Lexa had replied to her text after the showcase, which was great, but they still hadn't managed to find time to sit down and talk about it. She knew that they would, they always did, but still. Finn spent a couple of days trying to talk to her, but she had blown him off. She was angry at him for his behavior and really just didn't have anything to say to him, until now. Unfortunately, Finn and Lincoln had left three days ago to attend a training for work and Clarke wasn't even sure when they'd be back. So now she was just exercising every ounce of patience in her possession. She wouldn't have this conversation over the phone or via text message. No. That was cheap and she wanted to look him in the eye when she told him that she was done. Just done. So fucking done.

"So, you and Lexa, huh?" An all too familiar voice filled Clarke's ears and before she even looked up her eyes were already rolling.


"What do you want, Costia?" Clarke asked quickly as she continued cleaning the counter.
"Coffee," Costia replied quickly as she set down her bag and slipped on to one of the stools.
Clarke bit the inside of her cheek and turned to retrieve a cup of coffee. She really didn't need this shit right now.
"In a to-go cup," Costia added. "I have a train to catch."
Clarke nodded curtly. Upside? Maybe she would just leave.
"So, how was the rest of your showcase?" Costia asked snootily as Clarke set her cup on the counter and took her money.
"Fine," Clarke answered without looking at her. She wasn't doing this. Not today.
"You know, I had heard that things had happened between you two, but I really couldn't see it." Costia said matter-of-factly. "Then I figured if it was true, Lexa would just tell me."
"I'm sure that she had her reasons," Clarke responded as she placed Costia's change on the counter in front of her. She was not having this conversation. Not with Costia.
"I have no doubt," Costia said as her eyebrow twitched slightly and her eyes raked across Clarke's figure. "Not much to brag on, is it?"
Clarke swallowed hard. This bitch. She wasn't doing this. She wasn't going to let Costia inside her head. She was proud of her body, every single inch of it and Costia was not going to take that from her. She bit the inside of her cheek again.
"I mean, let's be honest," Costia said as she motioned to Clarke's body, "curves can be kind of nice and all, but people like Lexa and I, we just fit together – better."
Clarke's entire body tensed. "You know what, I really don't think..."
"Costia." Lexa's stern voice filled the diner.
Clarke turned quickly and spotted her only a few feet away, standing with her hands cupped behind her back and a unamused look on her face.


Costia paled slightly at the sight of her. "Lexa," she said quickly. "What are you doing here?"
"I stopped by to check in with Clarke," Lexa answered as she stepped forward, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going out of town."
"Oh, I am." Costia gestured to her suitcase. "I just stopped in to grab a coffee."
"Don't you mean that you stopped to give Clarke an unnecessary rash of shit?" Lexa asked pointedly. "I mean, that is what you were doing, isn't it?"
"Of course not," Costia shook her head. "We were just talking."
"Uh huh." Lexa looked seriously annoyed and Clarke was loving it.
"Anyway," Costia said suddenly as she picked up her bag. "I really have to get going," she kissed Lexa on the cheek and walked to the door. "Bye Clarke," she added.
Clarke shook her head and waved weakly.

When Costia was gone, Clarke instantly felt relieved. She really just couldn't take that woman right now. She was barely making it through her shift as it was. She didn't need Costia taking what little energy she had left. Looking over, she found that Lexa was staring at her.

"What is it?" Clarke questioned quickly.
Lexa stepped forward. "I heard what she said about your body," she answered softly as she reached across the counter and took her hand. "Listen to me. You are so beautiful, Clarke. Don't let Costia's bullshit comments ever make you doubt that."
Clarke smiled as a warm blush spread across her cheeks. "Thank you," she responded softly.
"And I didn't not tell her because I was ashamed." Lexa assured her. "I've never been ashamed."
Clarke smile widened as Lexa gave her hand a squeeze. Why did she have to be so damn sweet?
"So, how's your week been?" Lexa asked as she let go of her hand.
Clarke instantly felt her mood darken. "Shit," she replied, shaking her head.
"Want to talk about it?" Lexa questioned quietly.
"Not here," Clarke answered as she shook her head. "I get done in about a half hour though."
Lexa shook her head. "I have an appointment," she told her. "I'm sure that I can come by your place after though?"
Clarke smiled lightly. "That would be great."
"Okay, I'll see you in a little while then," Lexa said as she leaned across the counter gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Clarke watched her go. This was a good idea. A night with just the two of them. They could order some takeout, like they always did, relax on the couch and just talk. They hadn't been able to do that in forever, really, not since all of that shit started months ago.

It had been hours and Clarke's mood had significantly darkened. She was getting lost inside her head and it was bad - really bad. She took a sip of her drink and stared at the canvas in front of her. She let out a sigh as she crashed her paintbrush against it. Nothing was working, nothing was right. All that she wanted was a little peace from the thoughts in her head. Why couldn't she find an escape? Dropping the paintbrush, Clarke picked up her glass and walked away from the canvas. She couldn't do this right now.

As she stood at the table, pouring a fresh drink she glanced at the clock. Octavia would be home within an hour or so, but where was Lexa? She had said she'd come by after her appointment, but that was hours ago. Clarke had sent her a text, but she never responded to it and her calls were all going straight to voicemail. Where they hell was she? While Clarke leaning against the counter pondering this, a light knocking sounded from her door. She sighed in relief at the thought that it could finally be Lexa.

Opening the door her eyes did indeed find Lexa, but she immediately knew that something was wrong. Lexa looked pale and pained, weakened somehow. Though there were no tears in her eyes, the redness in them and around them showed that they had been there. Reaching forward she took Lexa by the hand and gently pulled her inside. Lexa sat on the couch, but she didn't say anything. Her eyes staring forward while her face was twisted up in what looked like pain. Clarke waited, not wanting to push. She knew that Lexa would speak when she was ready.

What the hell had happened in the last few hours?

"Whiskey?" Lexa blinked, her eyes apparently seeing the bottle on the table.
Clarke shrugged lightly. "Want one?"
Lexa nodded and Clarke walked over to pour her a glass.
"Why whiskey?" Lexa asked quietly.
Clarke walked back over and handed her the glass. "You first," she shrugged. "What's going on?"
Lexa took a long sip of her drink, finishing it in one go and shook her head. "You were right," she finally said with a sigh.
Clarke's brow furrowed. "Right about what?" She asked confused.
"Costia," Lexa replied as she ran her fingers firmly across her eyebrow. "She is a devious little bitch."
Clarke's eyebrows shot up in shock. "What?"
"She's been cheating on me," Lexa explained as her gaze dropped slightly.
"You caught her?" Clarke's eyes went wide.
"I didn't have to," Lexa shook her head. "My doctor did."
Clarke's face dropped. "What'?" Her tone hardened as her mind spun.
Lexa held out a crumpled piece of paper to her.

Clarke took the paper and opened it; test results. She skimmed through the columns until her eyes finally found the answer. This bitch.

Clarke swallowed hard as she pulled a piece of paper off of the end table and held it out to her. "Me too," she said quietly.
Lexa took the paper and opened it. As her eyes skimmed the page her expression shifted from one of pain, to one of fury. Looking up, green met blue, and they knew. "I'm going to fucking kill them both."

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