Chapter 43

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Lexa rolled over and stretched, as she arched her back she felt soft hands slide across her abdomen and a warm mouth attach itself to her hip. She grinned as her hand moved forward and her fingers became intertwined in Clarke's long blonde locks, relaxing into each of the kisses that were being dropped against her skin.

She hadn't planned on spending the night with Clarke, at least, not like this. But all it took was that small kiss from Clarke and her body was burning. It was kind of funny, how easily her body reacted to that. She knew, even before Clarke stepped away, that she wanted to spend the night with her, that she wanted her. But then, Clarke was performing, the sound of her voice was soothing, but the movement of her body, the expressions on her face, everything about her just kept working her up even more. By the time the set was over, Lexa couldn't get to her fast enough. She needed to touch her, to taste her – she just needed her and thankfully, Clarke was totally receptive to her gutsy advance.

Though she did call her possessive. Shit. Maybe she had gone a little too far? But then again, here they were, so maybe not.

Clarke moved suddenly, straddling her lap and Lexa whimpered slightly at the feeling of her against her skin. "Hi," she managed to get out.
"Good morning," Clarke smiled down at her, before moving to drop more kisses on to her neck.
Lexa tilted her head, allowing herself to get lost in the feeling.

Clarke's teeth grazed against her lightly, causing her hips to buck slightly and Clarke giggled against her neck.

"You think that's funny?" Lexa asked quickly.
"I think it's cute," Clarke replied as her lips continued to move against Lexa's skin.
"Hmm," Lexa hummed as she moved her hands to Clarke's hips.
"So, you were pretty hot last night," Clarke whispered softly.
Lexa blushed slightly, but didn't say anything.
"I mean the way you just," Clarke shivered, "came in and took..." she rolled her hips forward slightly, causing her breath to catch.
"Fuck," Lexa's breathed as she sat up, wrapping her arms around Clarke's back and running her mouth up the length of her neck.
As she pushed her body up, Clarke let out a light gasp and arched her back. "Yes, please," she whined before claiming Lexa's lips again.

Yeah. It was far too early to get out of bed anyway.

A couple of hours later Lexa was sitting with her back against the headboard, just watching Clarke sleep. This was something that had long since become a favorite pastime, she could do it forever. She loved everything about it. From the sound of Clarke breathing, to the way she murmured, and the way that her brow would always furrow and her nose would crinkle. It was, without a doubt, the most adorable thing ever.

Lexa grinned before quietly climbing about of the bed and slipping into some clothes. Coffee. That's what they needed.

"Hey," Lexa greeted her sister as she entered the kitchen.
"Morning," Anya said as she glanced up. "Damn! I didn't realize that you brought a vampire home."
"Not a vampire," Lexa chuckled lightly. "Just Clarke."
"Clarke did that?" Anya's eyes went wide. "Hot damn, she's..."
Lexa shot her a warning glare. "Careful," she grinned before pulling two mugs out of the cabinet.
"Lex!" Anya laughed. "It's like a damn claiming bite."
"It is not." Lexa chuckled again. "She just got a little, overzealous."
"Yeah, so I heard." Anya rolled her eyes. "So, sex on Valentine's Day, anything I should know?"
"No," Lexa answered without looking at her.
"God, you two are killing me," Anya groaned as she dropped her head into her hands.
"Meaning what?" Lexa asked as she filled both of the mugs.
"Meaning that you need to cut the crap and get together already," Anya replied bluntly.
Lexa turned and looked at her. "Stop." Fuck. Here we go again.

Just then Raven came limping into the kitchen wearing Anya's robe. "Morning," she yawned.
Lexa's eyebrows shot up at she turned and looked at Anya. "Anything I should know?"
"Shut up," Anya growled as she glared at her. "Stop avoiding the issue."
"What's the issue?" Raven asked as she sat down.
"Nothing," Lexa answered immediately.
"That Lexa and Clarke need to stop dancing around and actually deal with whatever's between them," Anya said as she crossed her arms.
"Agree." Raven said simply with a stretch.
"Anya," Lexa began.
"Lex, you just spent the most romantic night of the year, sleeping with the woman that you so totally love," Anya cut her off and pointed down the hall. "Obviously, there's more than just friendship there."
Raven's eyes went wide. "Wait, what?"
"Of course I love her," Lexa fired back. "She's my best friend."
"How can you be so smart, and still so dumb?" Anya questioned rhetorically.

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