Chapter 4

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Clarke's week had gone by quickly and with only one hitch. Being sick had cost her spot performing at a local coffeehouse. She didn't know yet who had taken her spot, but loathed them on principle, as she had been holding that spot for over a year.

"Don't dwell on it, Clarke." Raven told her as she glanced in the rear view mirror. "You'll get your spot back."

Clarke sighed and continued sketching. She had been down ever since she called to verify her time slot and found out that it had been given away.

"Raven's right." Octavia assured her. "The only reason they had to fill your spot in because you were so out of it when you were sick and you forgot to call."

"I know," Clarke said finally looking up. "It just sucks. I actually have people that come there to see me perform."

"We know," Octavia sighed. "But, you'll get it back. They love you there."

"And that's how we know you'll get your spot back." Raven added. "Your fine ass, puts asses in the seats. More asses in the seats, more people buying drinks."

Clarke finally smiled. It was true. She had a large following and usually performed to a full house. Who the hell had they found to fill that spot? Would they be better? How many fans would she lose to this new performer?

"Clarke, I can literally hear you thinking." Octavia said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Clarke shot out. "Subject change. How close are we?"

"Five minutes." Raven answered.

This weekend they were spending their time at Monty's house and the weather was finally nice enough to take full advantage of the pool. And really, a weekend relaxing by the pool, with a drink in her hand and her favorite people around her was exactly what Clarke needed.

"Awesome." She responded as she tucked some of her blonde waves behind her ear and began to pack up her sketch pad and pencils.

When they pulled up in front of the house Clarke got out of the car, dragging her bag behind her and smiled. She made her way around to the back deck where she came face to face with Monty, who was carrying a large plate of food toward one of the tables.

"Hey Clarke," he greeted her with a light peck on the cheek. "Good to see you."

"You too, Monty." Clarke smiled. "What do you got there?" She asked, motioning to the tray.

"Bruschetta," he smiled. "Want a taste?"

"Of course." Clarke smiled and took a small taste. "Mmm. Really good." She said, giving him a thumbs up.


"So who's here?" She asked him as he set the tray down.

"Uh, looks like you three, me, and Jasper right now. Lincoln is about fifteen minutes out." He told her. "Oh, and Bell. He got here a few minutes ago."

"Oh good. I know Octavia's eager to see the big dope." Clarke laughed. "Any word from Lexa and Anya?"

"Nope. I haven't heard from Lexa since earlier in the week." He answered. "You don't really think she'd ditch, do you?"

Clarke shrugged. "I don't know. She and Finn kind of had a misunderstanding a couple of weeks ago, so I guess anything's possible." She hoped that she wouldn't. She had somewhat of a bone to pick with her.

"Yeah. Jasper and I heard." Monty nodded and gave her a look. "Not cool, by the way, and I should probably warn you that Bellamy wants to have a word with him about it."

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