Chapter 31

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It was a few days after Thanksgiving and Lexa found herself sitting at her kitchen table furiously typing away on her laptop when Anya entered the room.

"So," she said as she opened the fridge. "You and Clarke."
"What about us?" Lexa asked without looking up.
"Are you together now?" Anya asked curiously.
Lexa's brow furrowed slightly as she shook her head. "Uh, no," she replied and continued typing.
"Oh." Anya nodded. "I just thought, you know, you two slept together the other night, so maybe..."
"Not the first time that's happened," Lexa chuckled.
"Well, I know that, but I just thought..." Anya motioned a bit.
Lexa shrugged, still not looking up. "It's not like that," she said simply.
Anya sat down. "Look, I get why you two didn't get together way back when, you both had a lot going on, but things are different now," she told her as she poured herself some juice.
"Believe me, we both still have just as much going on," Lexa replied, still very much focused on her work, "and we're still just as focused on our goals as we were then."
"You were willing to try with Costia." Anya pointed out.
Lexa stopped typing. "Look how that turned out," she responded rather harshly.
"Clarke is not Costia." Anya defended quickly.
"You do not have to tell me that," Lexa snapped. "I am well aware of who Clarke is."
Anya sighed. "You two could be so happy together," she tried.
"We are happy," Lexa insisted. "Look, I know that a lot of people don't get it, but this just- it works for us."
"Haven't you ever wanted more?" Anya asked her.
"What I want, is to finish this article." Lexa explained, beginning to feel slightly frustrated. "I know I'm only freelancing, but one great article and I can actually make something of myself."
Anya's eyes narrowed. "You say that as though your nothing," her voice came out hard.
"Not nothing," Lexa shook her head. "But, just, I don't know. I can be better."
"I really think you should consider what I'm saying." Anya sighed again.
"Listen, I get it, I do," Lexa assured her "but, can you please not push? We're fine just the way we are."
Anya shook her head and stood up.
"What's going on with you and Rae?" Lexa found herself inquiring.
Anya turned and looked at her. "Something," she answered quietly.

Lexa smiled. She liked the thought. It was more than obvious that Anya really cared about Raven, and Lexa was pretty sure that Raven felt the same, even though it seemed that neither of them wanted to admit it.

When Anya was gone all of Lexa's attention went back into her work. She had already pumped out three articles today and wanted to at least finish the one in front of her before she called it a day. She had meant what she had told her sister, she was still just as focused on her goals now as she had been back in high school. She loved writing, but didn't want to freelance for the rest of her life. She took every job that she could in the hopes that someday she would produce something that would gain her the attention that she needed establish herself.

Clarke: Lexa!
Lexa: Yeah?
Clarke: What are you doing?
Lexa: Working.
Clarke: Boo.
Lexa: ?
Clarke: I wanted to show you something.
Lexa: Okay?
Clarke: IMG_119

Lexa stared at the screen, a smile forming on her face.

Lexa: You bought a car??
Clarke: :)
Clarke: Come outside.

Lexa grinned as she shut her laptop and darted for the door. Once outside she found Clarke leaning against a small blue four door with a huge smile on her face. She made straight for her and gave her a hug.

"Clarke, this is awesome," she told her as she ghosted a kiss on her cheek. "How did you get it?"
"One of my customers," Clarke smiled. "He didn't need it anymore, so he was willing to let it go pretty cheap."
"Nice," Lexa nodded. "So, how does it feel to have your own ride again?"
"Uh, amazing," Clarke laughed. "Not that I minded all of the walking, but having a car just makes it so much easier to get around."
"Definitely," Lexa agreed. "So, what are you doing now?"
"On my way home," Clarke answered. "I have to take a shower and get ready for a rehearsal at Polis, but I just wanted to show you," she motioned to her car happily.
"Totally get it," Lexa grinned at her. Excited Clarke was certainly adorable.
"Maybe you could come by Polis later?" Clarke suggested, a hint of hope obvious in her voice. "Check out my set?"
Lexa thought of her article. "Yeah," she nodded. "As long as I get my article done, I'm sure I can."
"Awesome," Clarke smiled happily.

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