Chapter 17

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"Lexa," Clarke's voice came out, just above a whisper as her finger tips traced down the center of Lexa's abdomen.
Lexa inhaled deeply. "Clarke," she opened her eyes. They were dark with desire, with need.

Blue met green and every question was answered. It was okay.

They were burning for release and it was okay. It was okay to give into it. It was okay to let themselves be engulfed by it, until their aching hunger was sated. It was safe. Safe, because they knew. They knew what the other thought and felt. What they wanted and needed. Something simple, something that left them free. Something that calmed the beast within.

Lexa's right hand reached forward, her fingers slipping around the back of Clarke's neck and tangling lightly with her hair. Her grip was soft, but strong as she pulled Clarke to her, their lips were only inches apart, they could feel each other's breath, it was torturous.

Finally Lexa leaned forward, bridging the last millimeter of a gap between them. There was a sharp intake of breath, Clarke's hand finding the small of Lexa's back, their bodies rolling into one another perfectly as small explosions began to erupt beneath their skin. They parted for a moment, just a moment and green met blue...

Lexa's eyes opened slowly. That did not just happen.

Costia stirred in the bed next to her and she was instantly flushed with guilt. She should not be dreaming about Clarke, while lying in bed next to Costia. Hell, she shouldn't be dreaming about Clarke at all. She scolded herself quickly before sitting up and slipping into a long t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

As she crossed the room Costia sat up, pulling the sheet up to cover her chest. "Where're you going?" She asked sleepily.
"To shower," Lexa answered quickly. "We're meeting Finn and Clarke in a couple of hours."
"Mmm," Costia hummed as she laid her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. "I'd rather stay in bed with you."
"Of course you would," Lexa smirked. "Sleep a little more. I'll wake you when I'm finished showering."
"Okay," Costia said without opening her eyes.

Lexa quietly exited her room, her body seemed to be burning as she walked down the hallway. She glanced into the living room, spotting Anya texting on the couch as she turned into the kitchen and poured a tall glass of water. Taking a rather large sip, she sighed at the instant relief she felt as the cold spread through her.

"Dehydrated?" Anya asked from the sofa.
"A little," Lexa replied as she took another large sip.
"Can't imagine why," Anya rolled her eyes.
"Oh shush," Lexa returned the eye roll. "Like, I've never had to listen to you."
Anya chuckled to herself as Lexa walked off to the bathroom.

She stood in the shower letting the hot water wash over her as she pushed the faint memory of her dream far from her thoughts. Where the hell did that come from?

Exiting the bathroom sometime later, Lexa found Anya still sprawled out on the couch texting.

"Who're you texting?" She asked as she rubbed her hair roughly with a towel.
"Just Raven," Anya answered as she dropped the phone onto the couch and looked back at her magazine. "I still can't believe you agreed to have dinner with Finn and Clarke."
Lexa stopped drying her hair. "I didn't," she told her. "It was my idea."
"Why?" Anya asked, looking up.
"I thought it would be nice," Lexa shrugged as she went to wake up Costia.

After a somewhat annoying struggle, Lexa finally got Costia to drag herself out of bed and into the shower. Too much time had passed and Lexa kept glancing at the clock while she finished up the final touches on her shadowy eye makeup, Costia needed to pick up the pace. As soon as she had the thought, hands were at her side. She felt Costia's body press against her own as fingernails firmly trailed down to her hips. Lexa sighed into the feeling.

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