Chapter 20

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Clarke looked around, grateful to be far away from the crowd. She took a deep breath. Well, shit. "Lexa, I just assumed she knew," she tried to explain. "I didn't..."
"Why would she know?" Lexa snapped again, her eyes piercing. "Why would you even think that I'd tell her?"

Um, because she acts like a jealous and possessive bitch all of the time?

"I don't know," Clarke shook her head quickly. She didn't know what to say or do. Lexa was so angry. Why was she so angry?

"What were you thinking, Clarke?" Lexa finally sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I was thinking that it's just a picture." Clarke bit back, feeling her own annoyance starting to rise. "One that I've had in shows before, so why would it be a big deal?"
"Because, no one knew it was me," Lexa retorted quickly, "and now...

"You're kidding, right?" Raven's sarcastic voice filled the corridor. "We've always known it was you."
Clarke spun around to see Raven and Octavia standing nearby.
"Lexa, I'm sorry." Octavia immediately spoke as she stepped forward, looking extremely apologetic. "I was the one that suggested the piece, I didn't..."
"Well, it was a really stupid suggestion," Lexa cut her off briskly.
"Hey," Raven spat as she stepped in front of Octavia. "You really need to stop being such a bitch!"
Lexa opened her mouth to respond, but this time Raven cut her off. "How could Clarke know that Costia didn't know or that she would figure it out? Regardless - you are still the one who chose not to tell her," she scolded her. "It's your own damn fault."
"Why would I tell her?" Lexa scoffed, as if Costia knowing about her and Clarke was the most ludicrous thing ever.
"Why wouldn't you tell her?" Raven crossed her arms. "Everyone knows. Everyone. Were you just hoping that it would never come out?"
Lexa didn't answer, but she worked her jaw.

As Clarke stood watching the two go back and forth, her mind just reeled. She didn't understand why this was happening. Lexa was so angry and defensive, what was the big deal in Costia knowing? Then a bell suddenly went off, deep inside her head.

"That's exactly what you were hoping," Clarke's voice came out raspy and cold. "You didn't want to have to deal with Costia, the way that I've had to deal with Finn."
Lexa looked at her, the fury in her eyes quickly changing over to fear. "Costia is upset," she said, clearly trying to change the subject.
"Well, tell her to grow up," Clarke shook her head, feeling absolutely no sympathy now. "Everyone has a past."
Lexa took a deep breath and swallowed hard, but said nothing.

Now it was Clarke who was angry. Lexa didn't usually do relationships, so she had never really been put in the position to have defend their friendship. Clarke on the other hand, had been defending her friendship with Lexa since high school, because somehow, their past always came back to bite her. Apparently, Lexa didn't want to be bitten.

"What's the matter?" Clarke hissed, crossing her arms. "Were you afraid she'd be crazy jealous? Or that she wouldn't trust you to be alone with me? That you'd fight about us? That she'd question every single tiny interaction we had?"
Lexa just stared at her with slightly humiliated eyes.
Clarke shook her head, feeling thoroughly disappointed. "Unbelievable," she breathed as she glanced away.
"I'm unbelievable?" Lexa's eyes went wide. "You all but threw the fact that we've slept together in Costia's face!"
"Lexa," Octavia interrupted quickly. "That is not what happened."
"It is exactly what happened," Lexa snapped before turning back to Clarke, "and I think you owe her an apology."
Clarke's eyebrows rocketed upward. Yeah, that's not happening. "There is no way in hell that I'm apologizing to that woman," she said sternly. "I didn't do anything wrong."
"That woman," Lexa practically growled, "happens to be my girlfriend."
"That woman, is a devious little bitch," Clarke countered venomously, "who has done nothing, but shove her relationship with you down my throat for weeks and really, I can't fucking wait for you to finally open your eyes and see her for what she really is."
Lexa squared her shoulders, her eyes narrowing as she opened her mouth to respond.

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