Chapter 15

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Lexa glanced at the clock. It was four in the morning. Raven was scheduled for surgery in less than an hour and everyone was at the hospital to await the outcome. In the few weeks since Raven's accident, things had been different. Everyone had been different. It wasn't a bad different, quite the opposite actually. It was like the shock of almost losing Raven had reminded them of just how lucky they were to have one another. Even Finn, was different.

After mostly reconciling with Clarke, Lexa had expected another round of shit storms with Finn, but they never came. Not one comment or a single dirty glance. It was almost as if Raven's accident had snapped him back into his former self.

"Hey," Finn said sleepily as he and Clarke entered the room. "We brought coffee and food."
Clarke rubbed her eyes. She was clad in a pair of black leggings and an oversized grey sweatshirt, her hair haphazardly tied into a bun.
"I'll take a couple of those," Lexa said as she crossed the room. Finn held the tray out to her. "Thanks," she told him as she grabbed two cups. She greeted Clarke with a chaste kiss on the cheek and returned to her seat next to Costia. She handed one of the cups to her and she accepted it with a warm smile.

Lexa glanced around the room as she ran her fingers through her loose locks, tossing them over her shoulder.

Lincoln was sitting in a chair in the corner, he had his feet propped up and a book in his lap.

Bellamy was sitting on the other side of the room, engrossed in a conversation with Jake, who looked like he hadn't slept very well.

Jasper and Monty had taken up residence at a table in front of the window, hoping to pass the time quickly with a deck of cards.

Anya was leaning against the wall, staring out the window. She hadn't said much of anything since they'd arrived.

Finn and Clarke had moved to a set of chairs across the room, Clarke with her legs draped over Finn's as they each sipped on a cup coffee and looking thoroughly nervous.

Octavia was pacing the floor like a caged animal. Everyone knew that the next few hours would be the hardest on her. Like Lexa and Clarke, Octavia and Raven practically shared the same brain.

"Hey," Costia said softly as she slipped her hand into Lexa's. "It's going to be fine."
Lexa only nodded. Though she found it a little odd that Costia would give up an entire day to spend it sitting in a hospital awaiting the outcome of a surgery for someone she didn't even know, she was honestly glad to have her there.

Lexa took a deep breath and tried to settle her nerves. She knew that Raven would be fine. She had to be. This was going to work. This was going to work and Raven was going to walk again.

Abby said that the surgery would take six hours, but that as soon as it was over she'd come right out and let them know how everything went and when they'd be able to see Raven. Lexa glanced at the clock again and groaned internally. This was going to be the longest six hours of her life.

Hour one went by rather quietly, but quickly. The group drank their coffee and chatted optimistically about how soon Raven would be right back to kicking ass and taking names.

Hour two went slower, but their optimism was still there. Lexa had moved herself to the table by the window. She needed a distraction and who better than Jasper and Monty?

"What do you do, Costia?" Jasper asked as his dealt out another hand of cards.
"I'm an event coordinator," Costia replied quickly. 'It requires a bit or traveling, but I love it."
"Like, weddings and stuff?" Monty asked.
'Sure," Costia nodded. "I've done weddings and parties. Festivals and trade shows too. I'm open to pretty much anything. I love the challenge of tying it all together."
Lexa smirked. It was true. Costia certainly liked a challenge.
"Nice," Jasper nodded.

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