Cousin Coco(Coco Jones)

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(Zendaya POV)

I got up from bed, showered and put on a tshirt and some leggings, i forgot to call Bella last night but i was so tired so i didn't. I put on my flipflops and go downstairs.

"Dad? Dad!"i shouted but no answer from my dad. When i got to the kitchen there was a note stuck to the fridge.  it said:

Breakfast in the microwave, workin' late  today might come hom eat 7 or 8, you can have friends over for a bit, but they  better leave at 6

                                                                                 Love Dadxxx

                                 PS: Your cousin Coco is staying Over for a week.

Yes!!!! Coco is coming over,  she's like a sister to me she understands me, she's my dad's sister's daughter, she's  two months older than me.She has a 13 year-old sister called China which she's also my cousin.


Somebody was knocking on the door,i bet is Coco, i opened the door.

"Zendaya!!!" she shouted hugging me

"Cocoooo!!!" i shouted hugging her back.

"How are you? havent seen you since the Christmas party" i asked

"Im fine you" she asked

"Im Fine" I got her suitcase and we headed to my room.

I put my suitcase under my bed.

"Wow you glowing" said Coco

"No im not" i said

"We are cousins and i know everthing about you boo" Coco joked.

"Ok, Me and Trevor kissed" i said

Coco gives me a hug. Coco knew Trevor because i always talked about him with her.

"Congrats Zen, so are you guys official?" Coco asked

"I dont know, maybe" i said

"So how's Aunty Theresa and Uncle Richard?" i asked

"Their fine" Coco answered

"You didn't bring China?" i asked

"She's busy, she got the lead role of Chyna on ANT Farm or whatever the show is called on Disney" Coco Said.

"So she's home alone?" i asked

"No, she's staying with her friend Sierra "

"Oh.. ok" i said

"Wanna go to the cafe downtown" i asked

"Sure lets go" Coco answered

                             ~Hectoriaxxxx~                                 Coco and Zendaya(CousinForevez)

My Baby(Zendaya and Trevor Jackson)COMPLETED^.^Where stories live. Discover now