Chapter 1

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**************Incoming Skype Call**************

Lexa saw her laptop light up in the mirror. Quickly dodging out of the bathroom, she accepted the call and went back to doing her hair as she watched the call connect in the mirror.

Clarke appeared on the screen dressed in a red and black flannel, her blonde hair wildly untamed. All of her focus seemed to be on the guitar sitting in her lap. Lexa just continued doing her hair, knowing that eventually Clarke would catch on.

"Hey," Clarke's raspy voice finally flowed from the speaker when she realized that the call had connected.

Lexi smirked at her in the mirror. "Welcome back."

"Sorry. New song," Clarke explained quickly.

Lexa nodded in response. She knew how easily Clarke could get wrapped up in her music. "You're going out tonight?" Clarke asked curiously as she noticed what Lexa was doing.

"Yeah," Lexa answered as she ran her fingers through her chestnut curls. "Raven and Monty are being pretty relentless. They want to go have a few drinks."

"Boo," Clarke pouted. "I want to go."

Lexa turned to face the screen. "You are under quarantine," she said, her voice slightly stern. "You're not going to kick that cold if you don't get some rest."

Clarke continued to pout as she set her guitar aside. "I know, I know," she muttered grumpily. "It's just been really lonely here."

Lexa gave her a sympathetic smile. "Where's O?"

"She didn't want to risk catching it, so she's staying at Linc's." Clarke shook her head.


Clarke scoffed. "Finn's been shit."

Lexa nodded in understanding. Finn was already acting funny before Clarke got sick. Go figure he'd disappear now. She redirected her attention to her phone.

Raven: Yo Commander! Are you ready yet???

Lexa: Actually, I'm going to have to cancel.

Raven: What? No!

Lexa: Next time. Promise.

Raven: You suck!

"Time for me to go, Clarke." Lexa said as she looked back to the screen.

Clarke pouted again.

"Maybe you should curl up and watch a movie or something," Lexa offered, but then paused and pointed at the screen, "but remember, fluids and rest."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Thanks Mom," she mumbled. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have fun tonight."

Lexa grinned with a nod and quickly and ended the call.

Half and hour later as Lexa knocked on Clarke's door she couldn't help but shake her head and smirk in spite of herself.

"Lexa?" Clarke's eyes went wide when she opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

Lexa's smirk stretched into a smile. "Well, I have it on good authority that my best friend is sick and feeling lonely, so I thought that soup and maybe a movie might be just what the doctor would order."

Clarke's blue eyes sparkled as she wrapped Lexa in a tight hug. "You're going to risk getting sick just to keep me company?"

Lexa hugged her back. "I figure you're probably at the tail end of it anyway"

"You're awesome."

Lexa smiled. "I've heard that. Now first things first, while I make the soup, you go take a shower.

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