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"Shit" I exclaimed as I banged by clenched fist against the cold hard steering wheel of my car that was now rolling to a complete stop. It came to a full stop at the side of the little country lane that I had taken on the way home from my parents house. I turned the key multiple times to try to get the car to start again but with no luck. It had turned midnight and the road was pitch black. I picked up my phone that was on the passenger seat next to me to ring my Dad but there was no signal. I frantically waved my phone around in the air to try and get a signal but it didn't work. I then decided to walk down the lane to see if there was any signal there; there wasn't. Unsure of what to do next I walked back to my car and waited, hoping that a car would drive by and notice me. After around an hour of waiting, not a single car had passed. I was freezing cold despite having a long sleeved and a short sleeved t-shirt on, a jumper and a large winter coat on as well as two pairs of sweatpants . I then decided to leave my car and start walking down the lane to see if there were any houses near by. I took my keys out of the car along with some expensive belongings and headed down the lane.

2 hours had passed at this point since I had broken down and not one car had passed. There were no signs of any houses near by or evidence that people even pass within a 50 mile radius of this lane. There was still no phone signal and to top it all off it had started rain. I sat down by the side of the lane on a log and just began to cry. It wasn't the quiet tears rolling down the cheek kind of crying but the loud uncontrollable sobbing kind of crying. It didn't matter how much noise I made, no one was going to hear me. Just as I had given up, a small light in the distance caught my eye. As it was getting closer I realised it was headlights. I jumped up off the log and waved my phone around with the flashlight on. I made my way into the road hoping to gain the attention of the driver but not be run over. At this point I didn't care who was driving the car, I just wanted someone to help me, even if that person was a serial killer. The car slowed down then came to a full stop next to be. The driver rolled down the passenger side window. As they did so I could see the outline of a young women sat behind the wheel. "Hey." I said "My car broke down a couple miles back, do you have any signal on your phone so I can call the recovery people please?" The very pretty young women took out her phone to look at it. "No sorry I don't." she replied. My heart sank. "Oh it okay, thanks for stopping though." I said and turned away from the car and began walking down the lane again. "Excuse me." the driver shouted out the window as she pulled up beside me once again. "Get in, I can drop you off at a gas station or something. I can't let you walk down here all night alone, you never know who could be down here."
"You sure?" I asked opening the passenger door. "Yes it's fine." she nodded as I got in and put my seatbelt on. "I'm Hayley by the way." she said holding out her hand for me to shake. I took it then replied "Y/N."
"So what are you doing down this spooky road at almost 3am in the morning." Hayley asked. "I was just driving home from my parents house, you?"
"Oh I was just looking for my next victim." Hayley replied with a straight face but then instantly burst out laughing unable to maintain her act. That's not funny." I said "My heart literally stopped beating for a second then."
"Sorry." she said still laughing. "I'm on my way home too, I've just been on a date."
"Did it go well?" I asked.
"No not really. She wasn't really my type anyway. My friends set it up to try and cheer me up. I just broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago." I smiled slightly when she said girlfriend. Although it was really dark and I couldn't see Hayley properly, she did look very attractive. "Me too." I said "I just broke up with my girlfriend recently too."
"I'm sorry." she said.
"No it's okay. It was a long time coming really. We just constantly argued about anything and everything so it was for the best."

An hour later we finally found civilisation. "Hayley!" I shouted, almost startling her. "A motel!" She pulled the car into the car park and parked up. Hayley yawned as she turned the engine off and like a chain reaction, I yawned too. "Shall we book a room, I'm tired and it's probably another two hours until I get home? Hayley asked. "Yeah sure." I said opening the door. We both walked through the pouring rain to the motel. "Hey" Hayley said to the women behind the reception desk. "Have you got any vacancies?"
"Sure, it's $20 an hour or $80 a night."
I smirked as Hayley turned to look at me and she giggled slightly embarrassed at what the women was insinuating. We'll have two rooms please... for the night."
"Sorry, there's only one room left." the receptionist said. "I don't mind sharing a room." I said to Hayley as she turned to look at me. "You sure?" she asked and I just nodded. We were given the key and made our way to the room.

We walked into the room and Hayley instantly threw herself on the bed. "I'm so tired." she said sighing. "Me too. I'll call the recovery truck in the morning." I said taking one of the pillows off the bed and laying it in the floor. "What you doing?" Hayley asked sitting up and looking at me. "Going to sleep."
"You know you can get in the bed?" she said patting the space next to her. "You sure?" Hayley just nodded in response.

We laid there facing each other. In the dim light of the motel room she looked so beautiful. We laid in a comfortable silence just staring into each other's eyes. "Thanks for picking me up." I whispered. "Your welcome. I couldn't just leave you there anyway, you would have probably been murdered."
"True, but you could have just drove off. I'm glad you didn't though."
Hayley rested one arm around my waist and I intertwined our legs. We smiled at each other before slowly closing the gap between us and our lips gently met.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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