Chapter 42

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The next day I woke up bright and early in the sofa with my phone still in my hand. I slowly sat up and stretched as I looked around. I realised today was Saturday so I had no University today. I simply led back down and went back to sleep.

Meanwhile in New York, it was only 5am. Q was struggling to sleep. He still hasn't spoken to Sal in 3 weeks, since their argument. They've passed each other on set but haven't spoke a single word to each other.

As a few hours passed, Q finally decided to visit Sal. He had thought about what to say in his mind and settled on the correct wording. Q drive his jeep over Sals place as he kept going over what to say.

When Q finally reached Sal's front door he took a deep breath and knocked the door. There was no answer. Therefore he knocked again.
Q was feeling a bit anxious over Sal. Q's worries got the better of him so he lifted up the mat at Sals front door and unlocked it.
Q walked through the silent hallways.
"Sal?" Q called out. He walked into the kitchen and saw a note from Sal.
Tell Joe I said thanks, I'll call you all later! ~Sal

Q looked down at the note with a confused expression and immediately called Joe to ask him about the notes.

Meanwhile I looked outside to see the rain was coming down pretty heavy. I decided to light the fireplace and read my book. I quickly grabbed my cup of tea and sat on the sofa, with my blanket covering me.
About half an hour later the rain was pouring even harder outside. The rain drops tapping in the window. The puddles running down the hill. The sky was totally grey. I was pretty sure lightning was on its way to strike.
As I turned the next page in my book when I heard a knock at the door. I sighed as I placed the book down on the coffee table.
I quickly walked up to the door and opened it slowly to reveal a familiar face.

He stood there. Is green jacket soaking, his hair dripping with rain water. His smile grew wider when our eyes looked deeply into each other's.
"Sal... what are you doing here??" I asked in utter shock.
"I-I love you Rachel. I don't want to be without you. And I'm sorry for everything. Let's just put it behind us. All we need is each other, and we can sort everything else out later!" Sal softly spoke. "Will you take me back??" Sal asked. I leaped forward, placing my hands on his neck. I pulled him close to me and planted a delicate kiss onto his lips, showing him how much I want him back.
"Does that answer your question?" I asked with a smile. Sal placed his hands on my waist and pulled me back in for another kiss...

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