Chapter 12

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"We should head back, and you and Sal can sort out things between you"Q suggested.
"What if he wants to be with Kelly. According to Murr, they have a history" I begun.
"Correction- they did. They haven't dated in years. Dont worry about it, I'm sure it was a drunken mistake Rach" Q said.
I sighed to myself.
"Okay.... lets get back" I said, as we begun strolling back to the beach house.
We walked in to the silence, pitch black everywhere.
"Where is everyone?" I whispered.
"The must be in bed" Q replied with a hint of confusion. "C'mon" Q said as he trailed up the stairs.
"Im gonna stay down here for a while" I replied. Q nodded and carried on asking upstairs.

I sat on the leather couch with my book in my hand. My eyes were slowly dropping, as the book begun to slide out of my hands. Before i knew it, I fell asleep... but not entirely. Somebody soon came down the stairs. I heard their deep footsteps against the wooden floor. They grew nearer, but suddenly stopped as they were next to me. Whoever it was grabbed a blanket and wrapped it over me and placed a kiss onto my forehead and continued to walk into the kitchen. They filled up a glass of water and headed back upstairs. I opened my eyes to see what it was, but the darkness facades hem out. That night, I was left wondering.... who was that?

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