Chapter 38

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One Week Later....
Sal was in his home. He was sat on the couch as dirty pizza boxes and beer bottles mounted up around him. We all knew this wasn't Sal at all- but he was obviously hurting inside.
As he flicked through the tv, not paying attention as to what was on, he heard something fall through the letter box, meeting the pile of unopened letters from the past week. He sheepishly walked over to them and grabbed the heavy pile. He flicked through each envelope
"Bills, bills, bills" he muttered until he stumbled across my envelope.
"What's this?" He asked himself. He sat back onto the couch as he peeled the envelope open. Sal pulled out the letter and read what I had wrote. As each sentence came to an end, he smiled warmly to himself. Immediately he sprang up from his seat and grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote back:

Dear Rachel,
It's so good to hear from you. I have missed you so so much, words can't explain. I'm glad to hear that your enjoying London, and your University. It's good to hear you've made a friend.
Recently I've been feeling a bit down. I haven't done anything except make a mess. I haven't seen Q in a while either. Maybe I should make amends with him??
Soon we have to go back to filming. I'll let you know how that goes when we film the challenge. I'm hoping I get to have Murr on my team this time as he seems to win a lot :)
That's basically how my life is going at the moment. Have you been anywhere nice in London?? What's it like? Do you miss New York? Because New York misses you.... or at least I do.
Lots of love,
Sal xxx

As Sal finished his reply he sealed the envelope. However there was a knock at the door first. He carefully looked out the window and saw it was Murr. Sal walked over to the door and placed his hand on the door knob- debating wether to open it or not. He gently twisted it and cracked open the door.
"Hey bud" Murr said warmly. "Can I come in??" He asked. Sal looked down to the envelope holding the letter to me inside, and it gave him strength and confidence. Sal widely opened the door to let Murr in.
Murr looked around and he slipped over sticky beer patches, tripping over beer potholes and standing on pizza boxes. The smell was awful too. Murr turned to Sal. His hair was a mess, his beard was over grown, it was evident from the bags under his eyes that he got no sleep.
"Why don't you take a shower and I'll clean up down here?" Murr offered. Sal nodded and placed the envelope on the table.
"Don't move that" Sal quietly said as he pointed at the letter. Murr nodded in acceptance and Sal took a shower. Meanwhile Murr tidied up downstairs.

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