Chapter 23

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The next day, I woke up to a bunch of roses beside my bed and a bit reading I love you- from Sal xxx

I smiled to myself as I got out of bed. I slowly crept over to the other side of the room and grabbed my jacket and walked out side. I sat on the white chair with my steamy hot coffee and enjoyed the views. In the corner of my eye I saw Murr and Sal stood there. Sal soon noticed me and smiled to me and hurried over.
"Morning Sweetie" he said to me.
"Good morning" I replied as I stood up to face him. "How did you sleep?" I asked.
"Good. I missed you though" he said.
"I missed you too, but we have the whole day to spend with each other" I said with a warm smile.
"Actually.. I've already made us plans" Sal begun. "We have dinner reservations tonight and just spend the day watching movies together! If you okay with that?" Sal asked.
"Of course I am" I replied with a smile.
"Then let's go" Sal said as he tightly grabbed onto my hand.

We cuddled up into bed and flicked through Netflix, searching for a film to watch.
"This one?" Sal asked.
"No I don't like that one" I replied. And we literally kept repeating that for a good 20 minuets until we finally decided on a film. Sal wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. I smiled to myself.

As the afternoon rolled by me and Sal made our self some lunch and sat outside to enjoy it.
"Maybe we should get to know each other more?" I suggested.
"We already know a lot about each other" Sal replied.
"But not enough" I said.
"I know you have a brother named Kendall and he's your only sibling~" Sal began.
"Not true" I interrupted. Sal shot me a confused expression. "I have a younger brother too" I explained.
"Really?" Sal asked.
"His names Logan" I said.
"You've never mentioned him before" Sal said.
"Well he is 25, meaning he's a good 14 years younger than me and Kendall" I said.
"Do you not bother with him much?" Sal asked. I hesitated answering him. This was a can of worms I really didn't want to spill.
"Hm?" I asked to pretend I didn't hear him.
"Whose Logan? Where is he?" Sal asked.
"Well... Logan lives in the UK, England somewhere. So do my parents. They have their own television company now. But me and Kendall didn't want to go down that line of work. Our parents weren't happy and Kendall was heading off to New York, so I tagged along" I explained.
"Oh..." Sal said.  "Do you talk with your parents?" Sal asked.
"They sometimes ring... but not often. I've always thought about visiting but Kendall is dead against that idea" I added.
"Well you have me now" Sal said as he held onto my hand.
"Thanks" I said.
"I should actually be finding Q in a minute" Sal said. 
"Why?" I asked.
"I have to talk to him about the show" Sal explained. "I'll see ya later at dinner" he said as he kissed my forehead.

As soon as Sal left, Q came out.
"Hi Rachel" Q said as he sat down where Sal was, opposite me.
"Hi. I think Sal was looking for you" I said.
"Oh well" he chuckled. "I'll talk to him later" Q said.
"Actually I've been meaning to find you" I told him.
"Wow I'm popular" Q joked, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Would you do me a favour?" I asked him.
"You know I'd do anything anymore you" Q said.
"I have a date tonight and I want you to come... well hide... so if I need you you'll be there" I begged.
"....except for that" Q said. I moved my chair up closer to Q. I placed my hand on his knee, which he instantly stared at.
"Please!!! I'll... do your washing.... clean your jeep...anything!!" I said. Q stared deeply into my eyes and smiled warmly.
"Fine" he said. "But you have to give me that sandwich" he added. I slid my plate over to him and gave him the sandwich.
"Thank you!!" I said as I kissed his cheek and walked off.

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