Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning with someone's arms locked around my waist. I blinked a few times before lifting my head. Looking back down at me was Zach.

"Morning beautiful." He said which btw sounded so hot in his morning voice.

"Morning handsome." I replied.

"You wanna go down and get some breakfast?"

"Sure just let me shower and get."

I got up took a quick shower and got dressed. All in the span of about 15 minutes which is pretty quick for a girl. I grabbed my phone and the room key and we headed down to the café.

We got there and I got a muffin a bagel and some orange juice while Zach got a muffin some eggs sausage and a coffee. We both sat and ate in comfortable silence. Once we were both done, we headed back upstairs to see if anyone else was awake. We decided to check in Zach's room first. He used his room key to open the door. We walked in to find my dad asleep in one bed and uncle Ashton asleep in the other. We decided to wake them up since they had a show later that day.

Once they were up, we went to Uncle Calum and Braden's room to wake them up by knocking on the door. Uncle Calum opened the door shirtless mumbled something and let us in. We saw Braden sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He said hi to us and gave each of us a hug.

Lastly we went to Uncle Michael's room. Daniel opened the door and we told him to wake his dad up.

-skip to a few hours later-

We were all backstage waiting for our dad's to go on stage.

A guy with a clipboard told them it was time and they made their way to the stage while us kids watched from the side. Before they went on, they told us their plan and we agreed to it.

They performed Don't Stop and Heartbreak Girl. After they ended Heartbreak Girl, they made the announcement.

Michael's POV

"What's up Madrid! We have a very special announcement. Luke take it away."

"So basically we brought our kids on tour with us and so they are going to perform this next song!" He said.

"So say hello to Sierra, Daniel Zach and Braden!" Ashton yelled.

Sierra POV

When we heard our names we all ran on stage. I grabbed the guitar from my dad and put it over my shoulder. I looked around me and saw Uncle Calum standing with his bass while Braden sat on the floor next to him. I figured that made sense since Braden was still only 5 and he didn't yet know how to play that well. To my other side was Daniel holding his dad's guitar. And behind me was Zach on drums.

"Wait what song are we playing?" We asked.

"Good Girls!" My dad yelled over the crowd.

We waited until we heard Zach start the beat.


She's a good girl, she's Daddy's favorite

He saved for Harvard, he knows she'll make it

She's good at school, she's never truant

She can speak French, I think she's fluent


'Cause every night she studies hard in her room

At least that's what her parents assume

She sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend

Here's what she told me the time that I caught them..

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