Chapter 11

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-next morning-

I woke up and realized that I forgot to give my dad his gift.

My alarm clock read 10:30 am. That meant that my dad should be up by now and he hasn't left yet. I grabbed the case in it's wrapping paper and took it downstairs.

"Morning dad. I forgot to give this to you yesterday." I said handing him the box.

"Good morning love. Thank you."

He replied grabbing the box. He set it down on the table next to his coffee. Ripping open the paper, he stared at the case which had the signature on it.

"Is this- it can't be. Is this actually Josh Ramsay's signature?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah me Zach and Uncle Ash met him at the music store and I asked him to sign the guitar case. I wanted to get it for you because you said that you needed a new guitar case." I said. There was a big smile on his face. Suddenly, he engulfed me in a big hug.

"I absolutely love it Sierra. Thank you. This means a lot to me. I love you Sierra."

"I love you too dad."

- 2 weeks later -

My dad brought me into the living room.

"Am I in trouble or something."

I asked my heart racing.

"No of course not we just have something to tell you."

"The band is going back on tour."

He started. I opened my mouth to say something but my dad put his hand up.

"Now before you start protesting. We wanted to take all the kids including Braden with us on tour for about a month. I already talked to your mom about it and she said it was up to you."

"I would love to join you guys."

"Great! We leave next Thursday."

"Ok cool."

-flash forward to next wednesday-

I spent most of the day packing for the next month. By the time I had finished I had one suitcase and a duffel bag. I know it's a lot but you know what I'm a girl I tend to pack a lot. And it was nearly 8 pm.

I went downstairs to find a box of pizza and a note on the table.


We went to bed early. Here's some leftover pizza. Love you sweetheart.

Mom and Dad

I took 3 slices out and put them on a plate. I put it in the microwave and waited for it to heat up. A minute later, I was sitting at the table eating pizza and browsing etsy.

Most people think that being the daughter of a famous singer is easy. But let me tell you, it's not as easy as it looks. I don't see my parents as often as I would like because my dad is always in the studio and my mom is busy working on her photography. (A/N: sorry Jessie if this isn't what you wanna do just message me).

Anyway, I ate then I went upstairs to double check to make sure I had everything. The only thing I had to pack in the morning was my toothbrush and stuff. I decided to go to bed cause we had a 7 am flight. I set my alarm for 5:30 am and fell asleep.

-the next morning-

My alarm clock blared Wake Up by Hilary Duff. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I went downstairs to make myself a coffee to wake me up. After I was more awake, I went back upstairs to get dressed. I put on black sweatpants and an old Blink- 182 shirt that my uncle Cal gave me.

I brushed my mane you call hair and put it up in a ponytail. I checked the clock and saw that it was 6 am. You're probably wondering how it takes half an hour to do this. But I take my slow time in the morning.

I went into my parents room to wake my dad up.

I then proceeded to hit my dad on the head with a pillow. He groaned in protest but he got up anyway.

Once we were both ready, I double checked to make sure that I had everything.

We both said goodbye to my mom and we headed to the airport where we were meeting everyone.

When we got there, me and my dad checked our bags in and we went to the security check in. We were meeting everyone at the gate. So, we went got past security and we headed towards the gate.

We were heading towards it when some guy who looked around my age came up behind me and slapped my butt.

"Hey girl, where you headed?" he sneered as he reached his hand out to grab my waist.

"Don't ever fucking touch her again!" My dad said anger in his voice as he grabbed the guy's wrist.

He looked wide-eyed at my dad and walked away cursing under his breath.

"Thanks for the help dad. But, you know I can handle myself right?" I said as we walked away.

"I know but you're my little girl and I feel the need to protect you." He responded.

I just smiled up at him. We got to the gate and saw my uncle Cal and Braden.

"Hey Uncle Cal, hi Braden."

"Hey Sierra." Uncle Cal said giving me a hug.

"Siewa." Braden said hugging me by the legs. I picked him up and gave him a hug.

"Hey buddy. How ya doing?" I asked.

"Good. I'm on tour with daddy." I laughed at his cuteness.

"Yes you are and so am I." I said.

"Yay!" He cheered then he yawned.

"Aw you tired?" He nodded. Once, everyone arrived, we waited for our flight. Zach and Daniel were playing a game together on their phones. The dads were talking and the moms were talking. I was entertaining Braden on my phone.

Flight 57 to Madrid now boarding. Repeat Flight 57 now boarding. A voice announced.

We got our bags and boarded the plane. I sat by the window seat next Braden who was in between me and Zach.

I put my headphones in and played some music. Then I guess I fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for over 100 reads. Vote Comment and Share. Add this to your library.

Also if you are a fan of Viners/ Magcon check out my friends fanfic. Its called Dreams by Vineboysilysm. 🙏☺️

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