Chapter 10

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-the next day (afternoon)-

I texted Paige to confirm that she was babysitting then I headed out to Zach's house. His dad aka my uncle Ashton was taking us to the music store. Zach needed new drumsticks and he wanted my opinion so I said yes. Plus, I needed a new guitar pick anyways and I wanted to find a gift for my dad since his birthday was 2 days away.

I got to his house and I just walked in. I could do that because our families were so close that we just walk into each other's houses.

"Hey! You guys ready?" I called from the front door.

"Yeah be there in a sec." I heard a deep older voice who I recognize as my uncle Ashton.

Both Zach and uncle Ash walked to the front door where I was waiting and we all headed out.

We got to the music store and I went towards the guitar section while Zach and his dad went to the drum section of the store.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I walked up to the counter.

"How can I help you?" The lady at the register asked.

"Hi, I'm looking for a certain guitar pick." I said taking out my old guitar pick.

"I'll see if I have it." She said with a smile. She went to the back to check.

Uncle Ashton came up next to me to look at the guitar picks.

"What you are getting your dad for his birthday?"

"I have no idea yet. I don't even know what we're doing."

"Ok I wasn't supposed to say anything but you can keep a secret right?" I nodded. "Well, me and your uncles rented out the Nando's that's closest to your house. We are going there on his birthday at 6. But we want it to be a surprise so don't say anything. Your uncle Mikey will tell Daniel and Zach already knows."

I smiled up at him. "He'll love it. He has always wanted to rent out a Nando's and eat there with the family."

"Trust me I know. He told me when he was about your age."

I just laughed. Just then, the bell above the door rang signaling a customer.

Another lady came towards the front.

"Hi how can I help- Um. H-hi." She stammered. I look towards the door to see a guy with dark slightly colored hair.

"Josh Ramsay?" Uncle ash questioned. The guy, who I now know as Josh nodded.

"Wait. Isn't he my dad's favorite artist?" I asked my uncle Ash. He nodded. I looked down at the guitar case in my hand that I had planned on getting for my dad for his birthday.

I looked over at my uncle Ash to ask him something.

"Do you think he would sign this guitar case for my dad?"

He looked over at me.

"Maybe he might. You can ask him. He's coming towards us."

"Excuse me Mr. Ramsay." I said going up to him.

"Call me Josh. What can I do for you?" He responded with a smile.

"I was wondering if you could maybe sign this guitar case. It's for my dad for his birthday. He has always been a big fan of yours." I said smiling, my eyes slightly pleading.

"Sure what's your dad's name?" He asked holding his hand out for the case. I handed it to him.


"Ok there you go. And tell your dad I said happy birthday." He said giving the case back to me.

"Thank you so much. And I will." And with that, he picked up and payed for what he was buying and left, saying a brief goodbye to everyone.

10 minutes after he left, we decided to head back home. Uncle Ashton dropped me off at my house.

"Uncle Ashton, before you leave, can you keep this at your house. If I take this with me, my dad might find it. He tends to snoop around looking for presents." Uncle Ashton laughed and nodded, putting the case in the trunk. I only took with me the guitar pick.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I called.

"How was the music store?" my dad asked coming to greet me.

"Good." I replied giving him a hug.

-Two days later-

I woke up extra early morning, around 8:30, so that I could make my dad breakfast in bed.

I made pancakes, bacon and eggs for him. And I made extra for me and my mom. I put the food on a tray and took it upstairs quietly to my parents room where they were both sleeping.

I walked in and saw my mom cuddled into my dad with her head against his chest. I slowly walked over to my dad's side of the bed and put the tray on the bedside table.

I crept up next to him.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear daad, happy birthday to youu." I sang as he woke up. Halfway through singing, my mon woke up and smiled at me.

"Aw thank you Sierra." He said with a groggy voice.

He sat up, along with my mom and my dad ate his breakfast. Me and my mom went downstairs to eat.

-later that day-

At around 5:15 or so, my uncle Ashton texted me telling me to meet him at his house. So, I kind of lied to my dad and told him that I was going over there to study with Zach.

I said a goodbye to my dad and my mom who sent me a "subtle" key word subtle wink.

When I got there, I grabbed my dad's gift, which my aunt graciously wrapped and me my uncle my aunt and Zach all drove over to Nando's to meet everyone except my parents and set up for the penguin themed party. I picked a penguin theme because penguins are my dad's favorite animal.

On the car ride there, I went on twitter to look at my dad's mentions.

@5sosfam_23: Happy Birthday @Luke5sos! :)

And then there was a tweet from my mom.

@jessie_dru10: Happy Birthday bby! Love you lots! So happy be raising our daughter @sierrabear with you Luke <3 @Luke5sos.

I saw the tweet and I decided to tweet something.

@SierraBear: Happy Birthday to the best dad ever! I love you daddy! @Luke5sos.

My phone buzzed with a twitter notification.

@Luke5sos: Thank you @jessie_dru10 and @sierrabear I love you both so much and I am lucky to have you in my life. :) <3

@Luke5sos: Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. You guys are the best! :)

Zach tapped my shoulder telling me that we had arrived at Nando's. We had arrived at 5:30 so we had half an hour to set up.

Half an hour later, my mom arrived with my dad. My dad walked into the restaurant wearing a blindfold. My mom counted to 3 and took the blindfold off. The look on his face was priceless.

"Did you guys really do all this for me?" He asked in awe. We all nodded.

So, for the next 2 hours we talked and ate and basically just enjoyed each other's company.

When we got home, my parents went upstairs to watch movies and cuddle. Or so they say, who knows what they could be doing.

I went to my room to watch tv. I opened my DVD cabinet to find a movie. I finally settled on Pitch Perfect. It is now one of my favorite movies.

I watched the movie until I fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for over 100 reads. Vote Comment and Share. Remember to add it to your library and check out my other story.

If you have questions or comments, message me.


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