⁅ Chapter Eighteen ⁆

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{{My cONNOR JACKET ARRIVED AHHHHHHHH- FUCK YAS BITCH- ImawearittoJacksepticeye'stourthingonfridaylolol-}}

   "Do you really have to go?.." Connor's voice sounded broken all over again as (Y/n) and him stood at the front door of Hank's house, standing on the porch that was the only thing protecting them from the snow that fell to the ground, but not helping with the cold night air that bit at the two. There was a self-driving cab out in front, just waiting for (Y/n) to get in and leave at any moment.
   "Yes, Connor." She stated, that firm tone taking place and making Connor flinch a bit at it. He sighed, causing a cold, white puff off air to leave his lips as he had done so. "I'll be back. I'm not quite sure how long it'll take though." (Y/n)'s tone was a bit softer this time, now taking notice of the fragile state Connor was in at the moment.
   "Okay... Just please, please, be careful. I don't want you getting hurt..." Connor gave her a forced smile, to which she did not return and only frowned at the sight of it.


► [△] Comfort

► [□] Reassure

► [○] Silent

► [☓] Leave


[△] Comfort

   "I won't, I'll be perfectly fine when I come back." (Y/n) gave Connor a small smile, and it faltered a bit when she only got a blank look from him in return. That was until she felt herself being pulled into a warm embrace, to which she happily wrapped her arms around his torso in response and laid her head against his chest. She could hear the beating of his heart and feel the rise and fall of his chest from his breathing, and she found it oddly relaxing in that moment.
   "I hope so..." His voice was a quiet murmur at this point, like if he were to speak any louder it would end up in him shattering into pieces. The two stayed like that for a while, just hugging one another while the sound of wind blowing past and cars in the distance could be heard. Eventually Connor had pulled back from the embrace a bit, causing (Y/n) to look up at his tall frame, only for his lips to quickly connect to her own after he leaned down.
   (Y/n) of course kissed back right after he had down so, the kiss being slow to savor the moment, as if this would be the last time the two would ever see each other. After all, no one can predict the future.

   The (H/c)-nette was the first to pull away, a small smile pulling on her lips when she noticed the dissatisfied look on Connor's face. She stepped back a few steps, breaking the embrace as Connor now only stared at her with a longing look in his deep brown hues.
   "Goodbye for now, Connor." (Y/n) didn't know what else to say after that, seeing as Connor only gave her a pained look and couldn't get any words to leave his mouth. So as to not make this any harder she turned on her heel and left, walking down the two steps before walking on the sidewalk around the grass to get to the self-driving taxi. And just like that, she was gone.
   Connor's eyes trailed after the car as it left, staying locked on the direction it went even after it was long out of sight. A warmth slid down his cheek, followed by another on the other, before tears had just started streaming down his now flushed cheeks, due to his crying and both the cold. "Please... Please, come back to me..."

   It took a lot longer than (Y/n) would've liked to find the location of Jericho, with having to look around for all those alike symbols that were graffitied in the most random and out of sight places. But she had done it none the less, and now here she was, pressed up against the wall located on the outside of the giant ship as she could hear talking from the main control room. The (H/c) haired android simply waited there impatiently, waiting for the perfect moment that Markus, the deviant leader, was alone, her right hand clasping onto a small pistol tightly.
   Not long after their conversation one male android had left, and (Y/n) was about to go make a move when she heard a female android's voice still inside. She mentally cursed and stayed in her little hiding spot, her impatience rising more by the minute as she had to listen to the two androids converse. Finally, finally, the female android had left, and (Y/n)'s hawk like eyes trailed after her till she knew she was out of sight and wouldn't be able to spot her.
   Quickly, (Y/n) let her eyes close at complete darkness enveloped her, before she let them fluttered open only to be surrounded by the same winter atmosphere in Amanda's Zen garden.

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