⁅ Wedding Day ⁆

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{{Requested by: eleni_maragou

I hope chu like it. :') I tried, that's all i can really say.

   "(Y/n), you're fine. You look absolutely stunning." North soothed the fidgety (H/c)-nette as she helped position her locks of (H/c) hair, which were cascading down in elegant curls beneath the pure white, see through vail over her head, not quite yet covering her face. (Y/n) was currently dressed up in a silky white dress, no other colors daring to stain it's pureness as of yet. There was a thin see through layer of the top bodice of the dress, which held lace flower designs that went all the way around her mid forearm, showing the synthetic skin beneath as the sleeves were just pure lace that went down to her hands and wrapped around the middle finger of each. Then the actual part of her dress was just like a white cloud, poofy, but not too poofy to be irritating like a Disney princesses dress. Plus, it wasn't all that poofy either way mostly because it was dragged back against her body due to the long train of the dress behind her. To top off the entire wedding dress up, real diamond earrings hung loosely from her ear lobes, which matched perfectly with the thin chain necklace around her neck that held a resembling diamond.

   Yes, it was her wedding day, if that wasn't already obvious enough. North was her bridesmaid, and Hank would be there to walk her down the isle, seeing as she didn't have any parents. Who she was marrying? Well, Connor, of course. After all, he was the only human that made her feel love, so it was understandable that he was the one that would soon become her husband. And yet, despite that she knew he loved and trusted her with his whole being, she's never felt like such a wreck before in her entire life. After getting all the makeup, accessories, and the dress on, (Y/n) was literally just pacing around the entire room, her thoughts overwhelming her till North had came in and stopped her.

   "Are you sure? I mean, not about my looks, but..." (Y/n) trailed off, her mechanical heart just aching at the thought as her eyes glassed over in the slighest bit. "What if this is wrong? What if Connor doesn't want to go through with this, with me? What if... what if he doesn't want to get married to an android..." It was a possibility, and it made her heart wrench that he could say two simple words, just say 'I don't', and then it would be over. Everything in her life would be ruined, just like that.

   "Of course he wants to marry you! He was the one that proposed, and he is the one that is waiting down at the altar for his lovely bride-to-be." North crossed her arms over her chest, her brows furrowed together as she looked at the other female android. "(Y/n)... He loves you, he doesn't see you as just an android like other people do... He just loves you, so why would he want to put a halt to his and your happiness and say no to you?" She had a point, but (Y/n) still couldn't help the insecurities that lingered in her mind, that made her 'gut' twist and churn uncomfortably to the point where she would feel like she was going to throw up had she actually been human with a stomach.

   "I just... I just can't help but feel that he's making the wrong choice, that he should marry someone else." The (H/c)-nette ran her hand down her face in frustration, only for North to swat it away so she couldn't mess up her makeup. "I can't but feel like he'll regret marrying me... I was an android, a machine, and I still technically am. What if he will only think of me of a machine, even with deviancy?.. He should just marry another human... live a happy, and normal life..." Her voice broke off into a low murmur, the L.E.D she decided to keep now a gloomy scarlet as her whole posture just seemed to slump a bit.

  "I can tell you right now, that my son would never be happy again if you were suddenly torn out of his life." (Y/n)'s and North's attention snapped over to the doorway of the room, only to see Hank standing there, for the first time ever since (Y/n) had met him wearing fancy clothing. "I've seen how he's changed with you around... He was like me before he met you, we were all torn and shattered as a family after Cole's death... I didn't think either of them would ever be happy again, just like me..." (Y/n) walked over to Hank while he spoke, both as a sense of comfort and because she knew that he was there because it was almost time for her to walk the isle with him. That's why North had just left as well, to go begin the ceremony. "Then you came along, and it was like all the life just came rushing back to them. I've never seen them so happy in my entire life, and... I'm glad to have you as my daughter-in-law." (Y/n) noticed something in Hank's hands, only for him to hand it over to her, it being a beautiful bouquet of various blue and red colored flowers, completely standing out with there dark and vibrant colors besides the plain white of her dress.

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