⁅ Chapter Twelve //Interrogate Androids\\ ⁆

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[☓] Interrogate androids in the kitchen


Making her way towards the kitchen (Y/n)'s hands straighten the bow tied around the collar of her pristine white shirt, before moving back to her sides as she walked into the room. Immediately when she entered she noticed three android on the right of her, and she maunvered around the tables in the room to get to them. For a moment the Rk800 android was silent as her (E/c) eyes flickered between all the identical looking androids, trying to decide what would be the best approach while her L.E.D flicker on a normal blue glow.

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Look for reaction to spot the deviant

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► [○] Function

► [☓] Model


[○] Function

Her eyes landed on the android to the very right finally, deciding she would ask it the first question out of the other three in the room.
"What is your function?" A simple question that any normal android would and should answer with ease, and after she asked it her (E/c) hues narrowed in the slighest.
"I am a broadcast operator." That short answer was expected, but it didn't satisfy the female android in the slightest, and she found herself stepping closer to all the androids while her gaze stayed focused on the one she was questioning.
"State your model." The question was more of a command if anything, but then again, if the android wasn't a deviant then it wouldn't mind and would simply do as it was told.
"Model JB300, Serial number 336 445 581." It's gaze and tone of voice didn't falter in the slighest when it spoke, so (Y/n) decided to move onto the next android, the one that was placed in the middle of the other two.


► [△] Witness

► [□] Memory

► [○] Diagnostic

► [☓] Contact


[☓] Contact

"Have you been in contact with any other androids recently?" A bit more difficult to answer than simply stating your function and model, but again, if this android wasn't a deviant it should be a breeze and answer the question as soon as she asked it. Which it did.
"Only station androids in the normal course of my function." This android sounded completely monotone, almost exactly the same as the first one, which was expected.

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