⁅ Anderson Cuddles ⁆

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This was a draft from a long time ago, so I decided to finish it.

Also, for me it's showing two of the 'Panic Attack' oneshot on here... can anyone else see that? 'Cause I can't do anything about it...


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Jan. 23rd, 2040

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02:39:21 A.M.

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   The room was filled with a soft, dim, warm glow that emitted from the only lamp in the room, along with cooler light that was coming from a certain androids L.E.D. It was pitch black outside, stars shining in the sky and showing how early in the morning it was already.

   The female android would usually be in resting mode right now when it was this late, but the sound of the two brothers that were currently working on the couch of the living room kept her from doing so. They had all been assigned a new case that was relatively difficult, hence why the both of them were working on it at this ungodly hour.

   Empty coffee mugs and energy drinks were scattered about the coffee table in front of the couch, with even a few lying forgotten on the floor. So since (Y/n) wasn't really doing anything besides observing the two, she decided to make herself useful and clean up the mess they created. Even after doing so, however, she didn't know what to do.


► [△] Assist

► [□] Object

► [○] Sumo

► [☓] Silent


[○] Sumo

   Normally, (Y/n) would either object or assist the two, since this could definitely effect their health in a way. But, ever since she became deviant she decided more on doing what she wanted to do more often. Which led to the decision she made right now.

   The (H/c) haired android found the big St. Bernard laying on the floor right on the line that separated the kitchen from the living room. With one last glance towards the two brothers she made her way over to the giant fluff ball, before plopping herself down onto the floor and laying on her back beside Sumo.

   "Hi Sumo." At her little greeting the dog's eyes opened up, his ears twitching a bit from the sudden sound breaking through the silence. A small smile found it's way onto (Y/n)'s lips as Sumo gave a low bark in response. "Are you tired?" She lifted her hand to gently pet the top of Sumo's head, watching as his tail began to wag happily, causing a smacking sound to fill her hearing processors from it hitting the tiled floor.

   Her eyebrows shot up when Sumo lifted himself up from his laying position, and her L.E.D began to swirl a soft yellow when he moved over on top of her and flopped down on her stomach. It was a good thing she was an android, cause if not, she'd most likely have gotten the wind knocked out of her. She could feel the weight on top of her though, just like how she could feel with touch as well now with being a deviant and all.

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