⁅ A Date? ⁆

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{{Requested by: 0_Geeky_Gamer_0

First off, sorry for the late update, I was busy this weekend with a homecoming dance and game and all that crap, so I didn't have a chance to write very much. :') so sorry about that, I didn't think it would take up so much time. ;-; anyway, I hope you enjoy le chapter at least. :'>}}


      "Would... w-would you, uh, you... like to, maybe, I don't know... go on a... d-da-date with m-me?..." Those were the first words (Y/n) heard Connor say the minute she got back from her shift at the DPD, something that was sweet yet a bit confusing to come back to. She wasn't very great with these new feelings and being in a romantic relationship and all.


► [△] Question

► [□] Accept

► [○] Refuse

► [☓] Silent


[△] Question

   "May I ask why?" Connor's body seemed to jolt a bit at the question he received back, the nervousness that was already evident on his features only starting to worsen. "Aren't we already 'dating'?" (Y/n) titled her head to the side as she stared at the brunette, pure curiosity and confusion in those (E/c) hues of hers. Connor gave her a look after she said that, and he seemed to relax a bit when he noticed she wasn't completely rejecting him, and was only confused.

   "Well, y-yeah... But like, couples usually go on dates and stuff when they are dating..." Connor tried to explain to the confused android, doing it a bit more awkwardly than he'd like due to his nervousness. (Y/n) blinked at him as her L.E.D whirred a bright yellow, processing the information and not saying anything for a minute.


► [○] Accept

► [☓] Refuse


[○] Accept

   "Ah, I understand. Then yes, I will go on a date with you." (Y/n) was still a bit confused with the whole concept, but when she noticed the dorky smile that lit up on Connor's face after she agreed, she didn't really care too much about it.

   "Great! Then, uh, I guess we can just go somewhere tonight, if that's fine with you..." A small pink flush covered the brunette's cheeks by now, and (Y/n) merely nodded with a soft smile - and a still slightly lost look on her face -. "Anyway... I have to go get Hank real quick... he's at some bar somewhere..." Connor sighed a bit and shook his head, walking near the female and giving her a half smile. "I'll be back in a bit... Sumo can keep you company till then." He placed a sweet, short kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek before walking past her towards the door, opening it and giving one last glance towards the (H/c)-nette before he was gone.

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