Chapter 20

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I walk towards the fans and radio host while Colin does his check on stage, the fans scream and call his name, but he's focused on all the technical aspects of the task ahead of him. I wander and grab photos of the fans and the sound check uploading some to his social media accounts.

The radio host signals me over, and starts asking me questions with the fans, mostly about the difference between the US and here and what have been the biggest issues to overcome. Finally Colin jumps from the stage and everyone in front of me goes wild, the radio host introduces him for those not present and spends time going over an interview, as the time passes the audience starts asking questions and Colin takes special photos with each VIP fan. I'm surprised when the radio host motions me over and asks if I can take a few pictures, I smile and oblige as they hang off Colin's arm, the teasing smile he sends me causes me to shake my head. He still enjoys playing with me.

Finally it's time to open the doors for the regular meet and greet and we walk towards the tables and security set up. To the shock of the VIP members Colin steals a quick kiss from me as he moves to the table, pulling up a seat. I stand behind his seat my hands on his shoulders and lean my nose into his neck, my hair falling over his shoulder, as I lay a quick kiss along the soft patch behind his ear, I whisper for just him to hear "I'm proud of you metal head."

His body tenses for a moment, his head turns and his eyes the color of melted metal drown in mine "It means a lot to hear you say that." I smile and kiss his cheek. His hand holds mine on his shoulder as I hear cameras clicking. "I don't care much for people's opinions, you know that kitten, but to hear you say those words means the world to me." His eyes reflect the emotion behind his words and I lay another quick kiss on his lips. "I love you." He squeezes my hand as I say these words and the first fans come screaming up to the table.

I stand behind him, on leg bent so my foot rests on the wall while the other props me up on the floor, I watch the fans clambering to get closer, security has its hands full, I grab my phone to check on social media and take a few extra shots from behind the scenes when it rings. The number flashes from the United States, my blood runs cold, this can't be good, its 330pm here, meaning 830 back home, I swipe to answer.

"Hello?" I try to hide the panic in my voice. Colin is thankfully far enough away that he can't hear my reaction to the phone call.

"Amber, it's Tony, the promoter & marketing for the label, just talked to Bruce and we got a problem." My heart sinks and my pulse increases.

"Ok... how bad?"

"What is this about Colin having siblings? Is it true? We just got notification via email from a woman claiming to be his mother, a Nichole Spencer, and that they are going to go public with the information unless they are compensated."

I feel like my gut has been punched by a semi truck. "Compensation for what?! What does it matter if he has siblings or not." I keep myself outwardly calm while a hurricane brews inside me. I feel my blood pressure raising as my hand grips the phone tighter.

"They want to go public with his whole childhood, these are the kind of things I need to know so that I can counter the media!" he barks at me.

"Tony, we found out less than 24 hours ago, we haven't even had a chance to figure out the reality here." I snap back at him over the phone, I hear him sigh on the phone and typing on the computer. "I know Colin keeps his life private, and it's his choice to go public when he wants, this is putting a strain on the media aspect, this could blow up in a positive way, or negative." I play with my ponytail, I feel Colin watching me, I wave him off so he doesn't worry, he doesn't need this right now.

"Ok... I can talk to Colin tonight, can you delay on your side?" I chew my finger nail waiting for his response "Yeah, I think we're good, I think I can buy us some time."

"Ok, ok... I'll be in touch." I hang up the phone and pace. What a bitch, why would she do this, well beside the obvious, it will fuck up Colin and her two young boys lives all over her greed, she really is some kind of something. Coming from a rough past would probably help his career, opening more people to relate to him, but it would destroy his privacy which he prides himself on keeping separate from his image. What kind of compensation could she possibly want, she owes him, for everything she did to him she'd be paying him back for the rest of her life. I feel anger building up inside me, everything turning red as my protectiveness for him takes over.

I go to his side, just his proximity makes me relax, his eyes meet mine and I give a half smile "Everything OK?" the concern in his voice thick, my smile deepens no matter what, his love and care for me trumps anything else he's doing putting any priority secondary to my needs, "Nothing I can't handle, no worries, we can talk about it tonight." His arm slides around my waist and he holds me tight against him as he signs autographs for the steady stream of fans who paid to meet him.

The people come to the table excited buying merchandise for him to sign, he answers questions and talks with them giving each person at the table his attention for the short period they are there three diversity of the group is amazing, from mid-teens to middle aged, men and women alike, from brush cuts to Mohawks the fans all talk along themselves filling the stadium with a loud drone of sound. They may come from all walks of life but they are united for over reason right now, and he is in full showman mode. When a young man comes up with an acoustic guitar and asks Colin to sign it, he takes a moment to show him how to properly tune it, and strums the strings a little making the young man smile and promise to fulfill his dreams. Hours pass and finally the line starts petering out, marking the end to the meet & greet and the coming start to the concert. A couple hours and this stadium will be filled with screaming fans again.

I lift my head and my body tenses, Colin senses my shift and follows my line of vision, his arm comes back up tightening around my waist, I nod to security directing them to Nichole standing in line the two boys in front of her. My blood boils as they get closer, they are near the end of the line, which does not bode well for them and my current mood.

As they near Nichole and a large man hold back while the boys walk towards the table for autographs and their time with him, and while they occupy Colin with basic questions, that by the sounds of it they have no idea they are related, I stalk up to her my heels clicking on the concrete floor, echoing with the fury behind each step, directing her and the man beside her out of visual range of Colin, I can see him but his view of us would be obscured.

"What gives you the right to be here." My voice deathly cold and her eyes widen at the pure threat hidden in the simple words I utter.

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now