Chapter 6

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When Monday comes along I'm feeling much less stressed and organized. Colin and I sat down and worked out an actual plan to take some of the edge off, and worked on some training manuals I could leave with Matt.

I walk into the office a little more confident and Matt notices right away "Good Morning Princess! I take it you had a good weekend?"

I lift my mouth slightly in a sneer "I'm engaged to a rock star what do you think!" He laughs loudly and then coughs to hide it. I roll my eyes. "Everything good with Devin?"

"Not bad actually, he is catching on quickly!" He nods. "He is much more computer literate than my last partner!" I gasp in fake distress "My heart!" I'm punching his shoulder as Gabriel comes up to us, an interesting sparkle in his eye at our complicity.

"Miss Flanagan, Mr. Ortega, meet Vanessa Williamson, Amber's replacement." I whip my head around as Matt steps back from me.

A young lady with long straight auburn hair, large bust and narrow waist stands in front of us. Her hands are meekly crossed in front of her, her large brown doe eyes look down. I extend my hand out "Welcome to Carter Corp Vanessa!" Her eyes flash up to mine and when they are greeted by mine full of friendly acceptance she visibly relaxes.

"I expect that you'll both help her feel accepted and welcomed." I smile and look at Matt who is attempting to check out his new partner discretely, "No problems sir!" I chuckle and he elbows me making me smile broader.

"Again Welcome Vanessa, I'm Amber and this pain in the ass is Matt. I apologize in advance for putting you in this situation!"

"Oh Princess, you're just jealous that you're leaving this perfect male specimen behind!"

I chuff at him, give Vanessa a look of complicity and she starts laughing "Oh! I think I can handle him." I smile "He is mostly hot air and not much else."

Matt gasps at me "Amber, you know it's not right to give away my secrets so early!" His eyes glimmer, and meet Vanessa's, she quickly looks away.

I eye over at Matt who winks at me and I cuff him with one of my manuals.

I look at Vanessa "Have you done this type of work before?" She nods enthusiastically, "Actually yes! My last job was doing data and design, but I needed a change, small town life just didn't fit me anymore. I needed more than just sleepy nights and long days. I needed excitement and something to give my life zest again."

I smile "I came to New York for the same reason almost 2 yrs ago for the same reason. You'll do fine if you don't mind the fast pace and constant go. New York is great for those who want to get lost in the rat race, but there are great places to go to relax to."

Once Devin appears we get to work, Matt takes Devin to work on an upcoming due design project, while I focus on training Vanessa, by lunch we are so immersed in work I don't even notice the time until his shadow casts over my desk as he leans against the partition.

I look up only at Vanessa's gasp, "You hungry?" his voice floats over me filled with innuendoes and I smile. "Yeah, I could go for some food! I didn't even notice the time."

I smile at his hungry eyes, and they don't speak that they are hungry for food, the look that makes me sizzle.

"Vanessa, this is..." I start to introduce the overpowering man beside me, "C-C-Colin Spencer...." Vanessa's voice stutters in a whisper, Colin turns on the showman, a smirk playing on his lips, and he crosses his arms "Please don't encourage him, he has ego issues as it is, and doesn't need anymore." I laugh, and shake my head. His mouth lifts on one side as his eyes met mine, a shimmer of playfulness glinting through.

"Come now Kitten, you wouldn't have it any other way." I sigh, and look at Vanessa who looks like she's about to pass out from embarrassment at the way I'm talking to him.

"You, you guys know each other?" she hiccups finding her voice again. I laugh, "Unfortunately! He's Matt's best friend and my pain in the ass Fiancée." She gaps at me, then back to him, I shrug, "You guys coming for food?" I look at the three of them while I grab my purse, close up my manuals and come to Colin's side.

Matt and Vanessa join us, but Devin chooses to stay behind to work on a project, I find it odd, but he is insistent.

I shrug and head down to Bob's, as we get through lunch Vanessa gets more relaxed getting over her shock and starts joking with us. I notice the quick glances between her and Matt and have trouble stifling a giggle, oh things are going to get interesting I'm sure.

Matt directs Vanessa along the crowd to a table and we sit. We spend the half hour getting to know each other, Matt and her find they have a common ground with boxing and MMA fighting, Vanessa, despite her small stature had been fighting in her old town YMCA for the past 3 years. Matt is eagerly talking to her about the gym he volunteers at and the kids he works with. I snuggle against Colin's chest as they talk, we add a few comments here and there when the conversation gets directed at us, but it doesn't take long before they are back on a different subject again.

We're heading back up to the 42nd floor, when as the elevator opens Devin slides in as we walk out, "Devin, what are you doing up here?" I ask, while I feel Colin's eye's burning over my shoulder "oh, uh, got lost, pushed a wrong floor number...." He stammers avoiding our eyes pushing past us to get into the elevator and starts pushing buttons excessively.

I look at Colin, as he looks at me and then stalks towards his office, back straight, once in his domain he looks at all the consoles and files that are sitting out. Nothing looks out of place, but something doesn't feel right at all.

I look at him while he walks around the office, his blue eyes come to lay on me, the icy feeling they evoke has me wrapping my arms around me as I meet his glare "I think Devin might be more than he lets on...."

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