Chapter 16

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The next day and a half is insanity,  between the interviews and meet and greets Colin has barely enough time to breathe let alone eat or sleep but we manage.  I'm standing in the seating areas of the O2 stadium, taking the insanity into prospective, Colin stands on the stage completing his sound check,  his mic is hands free and giving him a few issues. The stage is set up in a T shape allowing for maximum audience coverage,  letting them get closer to him.  I look up from my spot and take a few shots,  he's running through the entire playlist for the set,  dressed casually in black pants and a t-shirt that perfectly accentuates his pecs and well defined biceps. I smile watching him and then turn back to the stadium auditorium,  I feel small standing amid the seats that soon will be filled.  Even though Colin is a new artist the promoters are able to push him enough that he has almost all fully sold out shows.

I sense and smell him before I hear him,  his divine presence as he wraps his arms around me from behind, his chin resting on my head I can tell he's taking it all in.  “Pretty fucking awesome isn't it Kitten?” I smile “Very awesome,  and everything you deserve.” I feel him shift behind me and I feel myself turning around,  his gorgeous arctic blue eyes delve deep into mine “I wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for you.” I look deep into his eyes returning the intense glare.  “You would have,  you are legendary all on your own. You didn't need me.”

His arms pull me in together against him.  “Let me be honest Amber, I didn't think I needed anyone, hell I never wanted anyone. But I need you, want you, on this path with me. I was missing something in my life, there was a giant missing void, and it was filled with that sassy mouth of yours. I don't know what I've done in my life to deserve you,  but you can be damn sure I'm going to do everything in my power not to fuck it up” I smile and wrap my arms around his neck,  on my tiptoes I brush his lips with mine.  “I love you Colin. With all of your words, and attitude, your mine, and whatever this is, it's forever, we have done everything to fuck it up, we still find ourselves right here and I don't plan on leaving these arms ever.”  His lips crush down onto mine and we suffocate together, his mouth ravaging me while I draw my tongue along his, my lower my arms, hands playing along his pectoral muscles, his hands slide up my shirt, and we are brutally interrupted “Colin! The reporter is here.”  He sets his forehead on mine, his lips millimetres from mine.

“Fuck… poor timing.” He stands and I'm very aware of his reasoning behind his words and I chuckle while he growls over his shoulder  “Give me a moment!”  I smile “Go. I'll be here.”  He kisses my head and goes back to the stage jumping offer the fencing between where the audience will be and the stage. 

The rest of the afternoon went by faster than anticipated and I haven't seen Colin since our moment. I get changed to handle the heat that will be generated while I'm watching the show and taking photos. I settle for a short black skirt with slits along the sides and just covers my ass and a black crop top, finished with some knee high boots. I grab my camera, and phone and set out towards the stage,  I see Colin talking with one of the set technicians and smile when he looks up at me,  the hunger in his eyes isn't for any food,  I grab a bottle of water and walk up to him taking a swig,  “I can think of a better place for your mouth.” he snags my bottle and takes a drink,  the cocky show man is back, I shake my head “Dirty minded metalhead.” He finishes my bottle, laughing at the look I give him, he bends down and gives me a kiss that warms my body his hands sliding on my back as I slip my hands up the front of his shirt,  hooking my fingers into his waistband.

“Damnit Kitten, watch where you're putting your hands,  I have a long night ahead of me.” I smile and bite my lip,  running my nails along the edge of his pants,  I pull away “Pity.” Colin groans as I turn away from him.  “Have a good show. I'll be down by stage taking photos.” He nods and I feel his eyes burning into my ass. 

As I get to the bottom of the stage the opening band has just finished,  the crowd is going insane they are revved and amped up.  The silence is deafening when the lights on the stage go dark.  All I see is his silhouetted shape,  head down,  hands out,  I can feel his energy,  his guitar hung around his hip.  The lights sweep the stage,  and he swings his guitar to the front, his fingers hit that first string and the stadium erupts.  I swear I'm deaf by the time intermission comes,  Colin exits the stage and I use the moment of brighter lights to snap pictures iz the audience.  My skin glistens with sweat,  I can only imagine how he's feeling,  he's got to be covered in sweat.  As intermission ends the lights darken again,  the crowd is riled up and ready,  he is their drug and they are addicted.  I smile at the signs begging for his attention and proposals,  the ages in the crowd range from thirteen to fifties,  men and women alike.  As he comes down the stage pipe near the end of the second set his eyes meet mine,  he is a ravaged starving beast,  the growl in his voice as he sets eyes on my sweat glistened skin is heard through the stadium and the audience eats it up shouting louder driving the beast on stage further,  his eyes dangerous with emotion and lack of control.

The atmosphere is electric, the crowd keeps screaming long after Colin leaves the stage.  I follow and come up beside him as he stalks into the dressing room.  He closes the door behind us and I can see in his eyes that he is a man possessed, frenzied by the situation that has just played out in front of him, his first International show. His mouth claims mine with no warning and he spins me around,  pushing me violently across the room,  his knee pushes between mine and his large boot kicks my feet apart while he bends me over the dressing table. He yanks my skirt up with fevered hands and tears my thong down before I can even register what is happening, he releases himself from his zipper, his erection driving into my dry slit in pleasured agony.  His one hand holds me down along my back, fist buried into my hair yanking my neck back,  pulling my body slightly unnaturally more into him,  his other tense hand holds my hip,  his nails biting into my flesh, his savage thrusts have tears blurring my vision from the agonizing friction until my body catches up slick and welcoming I cry his name out in pure ecstasy, he drives me closer to climax as I watch him in the mirror of the dressing table he has me pinned against.  His eyes are clouded with madness and passion as he fucks me harder with each compelling stroke, I cum against him more than once as he grabs an arm behind me pinning it against my back, it feels too almost pull right out.

My breathing is labored, my body tight against him from my climax holding his erection constricted within me from my orgasm, he finally drives into me once final time pulsing deep inside me as he grunts his completion. He pulls back out of me and leans against the wall, his hand in his hair as his excitement drops and the reality of what has just happened comes crashing down.  His eyes darken as he meets mine in the reflection of the mirror,  I bend slowly through the pain in my groin to pull up my thong and straighten my skirt,  as I turn to face him his face ashen,  blue eyes searching mine,  “Oh Fuck Kitten. I am so sorry!” He meets my gaze searching for something,  but I'm not sure what I can offer him.  My body aches, both in pleasure and in pain from his assault.

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now