Chapter 18

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My jaw drops “What…”

I search Colin's face and all I see is pure and utter hatred.  “Yes Kitten, this is Nichole Spencer, my mother,  if you'd call her that.” His voice is cold,  calculated,  emotionless. His body is rigid, and I can feel the anger resonating through his bones. 

“You're looking well.” He bites and she shrinks back. “I never thought I'd see you again…” her voice quivers from his intense look,  “Yeah,  that generally is how it goes when you abandon your child.” He sneers, I set my hand on his side, his cold eyes meet mine and I return a look showing him my support and love, ignoring the arctic chill that passes through his vision, I know that icy piercing scrutiny isn't aimed at me. 

He slides his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer, drawing my strength and warmth into him and I gladly provide it. 

Of all the café's in this town why the hell did we end up in this one, the pain in the man beside me over this woman angers me.

She straightens up slightly and looks at him “It's not what it looks like, I..” she starts but he cuts her off “Not what it looks like? You fuck off, leaving me with that man,  who was your husband,  to deal with his anger issues for what? To never be heard from in what,  13 fucking year's? Yeah how could I possibly be mistaken.”

Each word hits her squarely in the heart,  and I see tears forming in her eyes,  I can't help but feel she deserves all the pain in the world for what she put him through as a child, I stand in front of him as a shield “I wanted to come back,  but things happen, and it was too hard,  everything, including you, reminded me of Josh.”

Her voice breaks at the last word and I feel Colin release his breath as if he'd been sucker punched.  “I see. Lose one son,  why not lose two.” I look at her, her eyes glisten with tears, her features are so similar to his,  her nose and chin especially. 

The exchange is interrupted by the sound of the bell above the door as a set of people walk in,  I don't pay them any attention until they speak,  “Mom! Guess what!!!”

Their voices stop as they look at Colin and then their mom, Colin looks ready to kill,  at the word “mom” his hackles rise the rest of the way, and I can see he has reached his breaking point,  he's no longer just angry he is completely out of control with hatred and something I can't distinguish,  his eyes dart from the two young boys,  both around 11-13 years of age then back to his mother. 

“Not lost,  rather replaced. Seems you got the life you wanted.” He spins around and slams through the door, Nichole's cry of his name is cut off by the door crashing closed behind us. 

He's a good half a block ahead of me,  and there is no easy way for me to catch up to him,  his legs are just too damn long and they are chewing up the cement as I try to run up to him. 

Finally as he stops, coming to a cross road,  I catch up placing  my hand on his arm, he pulls away from my touch pushing me away, I try again and I'm met with his arm aggressively shoving me further,  finally I grab him clasping my hand around his wrist, his eyes flashing,  he snaps “Fucking replaced.  She fucking replaced us.”

He pulls out of my arm and walks away from me, I stand lost,  not knowing what to do.   “Thrown away like useless fucking trash, why worry about the damaged goods of your existing child when you can just slut around to fucking pop out more kids.” His hand tears through his hair as he leans against the stone wall beside him,  his voice shatters “FUCK!”

He sinks along the building into a crouch,  his elbows on his knees,  his head in his hands,  I walk up to and stand in front of him,  my hands on his shoulders ready to be tossed away again,  I tilt my head back my tears mixing with the rain for Colin,  my heart broken for him, surprisingly I feel his arms curl around my thighs pulling me closer to him, my heart warms as he does this,  he's no longer pushing me away,  rather bringing me to him.  I look down at him,  he meets my gaze,  his irises reflect the pain and turmoil running through him, the blue so pale they reflect the clouds of the storm overhead.

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now