Chapter 9

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Her response is quick,  “You pick the movie,  I'll grab the food! I'll see you after work.” I laugh and start cleaning the apartment for Lisa's visit.  It's shortly after noon when there is a knock on the door,  I'm caught off guard and run to the door,  I look through the door peep and whip the door open.

  “DORIS!” I pull her into the apartment,  her eyes are red and it looks like she's been crying.  She comes in and throws herself on the couch,  “Is he gone then?” I look at her while I walk to the fridge “Well, for a few days.  He will be back.” I grab to beers and shake one towards her, she nods. She pounds it back,  and sighs “I'm pretty good at fucking shit up.”
I look at her sitting on the chair “No.  I get you,  it's a lot. Music is what you bleed, but we can't hold him back,  you know as well as I do,  the band holds him back.” She sighs again and I continue “Have you talked to Adam? You know as well as I do he would love to keep a band together. And with your bass and his drums all you really need is a singer!”

“No. I haven't. I've been kinda fucked up since Colin told us.” She shakes her head,  green locks brushing her face.

“I get it Doris, I do.  I'd love nothing more than for the group to stay together. But I know that my wants are way less than the need of watching Colin grow and reach the heights he deserves.”

She wipes her arm across her face and I smile as she glares at me “Why the fuck do you always have to be right?”

I laugh “I'm far from being always right,  I've just come to accept that we're great,  but he's a fucking legend.”  She leans back onto the couch and looks at me, “Do you think Adam will forgive me?” She plays with her lip ring thinking, I get up and grab us a couple more beer “Does here chase Quinn around like a perfect surf wave?” I get a laugh out of her.   “Yeah”

We spend the afternoon chilling and chatting, my phone buzzes and I grab it “I'm settled in the hotel room,  going to meet with the producer and composer to go over the plan.  Love you.”

“Sounds good, having a girl's afternoon with Doris.”

“Really? I haven't heard from her in weeks…”

“Yes, she's fine,  talked her into talking to Adam.”

“You never cease to amaze me you unpredictable, unbelievable, beautiful woman.”

“Go to your meeting before I start missing you too much.”

“Love you kitten,  talk soon.”

“Love you,  crazy metal head”

I put my phone down and look up at Doris who looks slightly green, “Could you at least try to hide your cheese?”  I laugh and smile “Sorry! Hey,  listen,  Lisa will be here around 6, Chinese and chick flicks,  you in?”

Doris physically looks ready to wretch “Oh no!!! This” she points to herself “Does NOT do girls nights unless heavy drinking is involved.” I laugh even harder as she stands up “Thanks Amber,  I appreciate it,  I'm going to go see Adam, see if he'll still wanna work with me.”

“I'm sure he will!” I walk her to the door and open it “Don't be a stranger Doris.  I'm serious.” She smiles at me “And risk being turned into a choir girl,  hell no!” she walks out winking.

I close the door and head for the bathroom, I have a couple hours until Lisa shows up, so draw myself a hot bath, tossing in some bubbles and light some candles.  Feeling provocative I snap a picture of my legs in the bubbles and text to Colin.  The response is nearly immediate “If you're trying to make me get on the next plane home, you're doing a good job” 

“Just wanted to remind you of what is waiting for you.”  I can almost hear his growl as his response comes back “It's cruel.”

I laugh.  “Go back to work,  message me when you're done.”

“I will.”

I stretch out and set my playlist to play our album and his first solo, I soak deep into the bubbles as his voice washes over me, making me tingle, I close my eyes and allow myself a moment of sorrow and absence.  After an hour of solid soak time I unfold myself from the tub and dry off.  Since we aren't going anywhere I slip on a pair of shorts and one of Colin's worn t-shirts. I open the bottle of wine to get it breathing and prep a movie on Netflix, some random sob fest about a woman who falls in love with her high school crush,  she moves away,  they both get married and divorced and when she moves home they rekindle their relationship.  I get out a couple blankets and  a box of Kleenex. 

When Lisa knocks I open the door and she bustles in wearing a comfy sweater and a pair of leggings,  she pulls off her sweater to reveal a large baggy t-shirt.  I smile, greeting her as I set up the table opening the boxes of Chinese  food she's come with.  I pour us each a glass of wine and we sit on the couch facing each other while we eat.  “So! How does it feel?” Lisa wastes no time digging into the food or into the gossip “How does what feel?”

“Oh! Come on Amber! You take one of New York Cities most attractive bachelors off the market, how does it feel? I know you've broken hundreds of hearts at Carter haha! We haven't gotten to talk since the engagement really!”

I laugh “I’ll be honest,  it's surreal that he's all mine! Have you not seen him!!!” I smile like a teenager as we spend a good couple hours chatting,  gossiping and discussing the starting preps for the wedding,  we don't have a date yet,  and I inform Lisa I do not want a bachelorette party to which she frowns and insists she'll change my mind.  We finish off the wine as we finish the movie with tears flowing,  Lisa gets up laughing and heads to the door, I hug her as she leaves, making sure the door is locked and bolted. 

I grab my phone and see there is no message,  with the time difference and work he is fitting into 10 days in not surprised. Stretching as I walk to the bedroom I shoot him a text, “Goodnight my metal head, one day down 9 to go.” I fall asleep with my phone on charge beside me. 

The next couple days pass quickly as I go about my business,  I never realized how much in demand Colin was at the company,  I quickly fill his message board and respond to emails stating he is out of the office,  I am in and out of the office so frequently delivering messages to other techs that Colin left me a list of to take urgent matters, that my feet are aching by the time 4pm rolls around and I'm happy I'd brought Colin's car to work this morning.  I'm heading out of the office when Lisa grabs one arm and Matt the other,  “So my dark haired Princess,  where shall we consume alcohol this evening?” Matt looks at me questioningly.

“I was just going to spend time at home this everything.” I look at both of them and realize that any thought of having a quiet weekend was going out the window.  “Oh no! That just won't do!” Lisa proclaims,  “Firstly you're coming with me,  I met this totally hot guy who runs a tattoo parlor,  and I want to go see if he'll join us for some drinks tonight.” I roll my eyes at her “Lisa,  there is always a hot guy!”

“Yes! But I need my very best and very unavailable wing woman to come with me!!” She pouts “Why don't you use a wingman,  Matt here is very attractive….” I smirk as he goes wide eyed “oh no! I'm not going anywhere near needless!!! Nope!”

I sigh, “When?” Lisa smiles “In an hour?” I gasp and gap “I'm supposed to get bar ready in an hour! Lisa! What the hell!!!”

She smiles at me,  “You'd better hurry,  I'll pick you in in like an hour and 15!” I run out the door to Matt and Lisa's laughter.  Once home I quickly change into a pair of leather pants,  a flowy white tank that accents my shape but isn't racy, I don't want to attract unwanted attention,  and my knee high boots, I toss my hair into a high pony tail and put on stage style make up, I do have to walk into a tattoo parlor first.

Lisa texts when she's outside and I send Colin a quick message letting him know what I've been coerced into doing.  He responds to make sure I behave myself and not let any guy touch me.  I laugh and snap a picture “Not likely! I went with the not interested look" he responds quickly “It looks more like a come fuck me look.”

“That's because you're there and I'm here,  I could send you a picture of me in your t-shirt I've been sleeping in and you'd say the same.“

“You're right.  Wait,  you're sleeping in one of my shirts?”

“Yes, I miss you and it smells like you.”

“Kitten, you just made my day.  Text often, and be careful.”

“No worries,  Matt will be there too.”

“That's supposed to make me feel better?”

“No,  but knowing I love you,  AND only you should!”

“It does.  Love you"

I slip into the car smiling like the car that caught the canary “Well lets go then!”

We make our way downtown to a high end tattoo parlor,  Lisa takes a moment to fix her short skirt,  thigh high boots and crop top.  She looks amazing with her blonde hair braided,  and makeup on point,  she looks at me and I give her the thumbs up. We walk around and head into the parlor,  I'm surprised at how clean and beautiful it is,  dark furniture and marble counters adorn the space,  photos and designs accent the walls,  a young man looks up and smiles at Lisa and they start talking,  I keep looking around and a design catches my attention,  it's a simple treble clef, and I slide my finger over the design.  A young lady comes up to me and leans on the wall,  “It suits you,  simple and classy.” I look at her and she smiles “Kayla, I'm the second art here, KCs  sister.” She indicates to the guy chatting worth Lisa. 

“You interested?”

“Oh! Uh,  I never thought of it…. I'm just here because my friend was scared to come and talk to your brother alone ” I stutter.

“Come on now, tell me why you're drawn to this design.” She smiles at me,  she's good!

“Music is my life,  by burning passion…. I've always played piano,  and it's always seems to bring me the best in life.” She clicks her fingers “I KNEW it! KC! It's the chick, their keyboardist,  from Nightmaradeen!!!” Kayla goes crazy, “Please! Let me ink you!! No charge! Just if any one asks direct them to KKC Ink! Come with me!!!” she drags me to her computer,  and sets me into a deep plush seat,  she draws up the treble clef design,  but she adds watercolor flames to it in varying shades of ice blue.   The black clef looks like it's truly on fire and my heart skips a beat I can see everything I desire in that simple design.  “It's amazing!” I can't help but compliment her. 

“Please! Let me do it! It would mean so much to me! Plus I think your friend might be a bit.” I look over at Lisa who is in deep conversation with KC. I sigh,  “Ok.” It is absolutely perfect,  it sums me up perfectly.  She prints it on the transfer paper,  and applies it on my rib cage, just below my bra line.   It's only about 8 inches in height,  so the placement is perfect and no one will see it unless I show it off. The feeling of the needless isn't something I expected,  and it's rather calming.  After that seems like forever she applies a lotion followed by a cover.  “Here's some vitamin E lotion,  and take the cover off first thing in the morning.  Apply the lotion wherever it gets dry,  but don't let it get to wet! Should be mostly unscabbed in 5-6 days! Please please take a picture and share it once it's healed.” I smile “How much?”
She gaps at me “Oh! No nothing! Just the ability to do that was remarkable!!” she's literally floating on air, I go to Lisa and she smiles, she motions to KC who grabs his coat “He's in! Apparently I'm next to get a tattoo though! I can't wait to see yours!!”

We head to Starlite and meet up with Matt,  I look around then ask “Where's Van?” he looks away then comes back “I didn't ask her.” I roll my eyes “You're hopeless Matt!!!”

The four of us spend the night relaxing, gossiping and talking, while they go dance I text back and forth with Colin who is at a party there producer is hosting.  They will done recording by Tuesday, they'll do the mixing Tuesday and Wednesday,  final sound test and listen Thursday, with his flight Friday night arriving at 1:30am on Saturday . I smile at my phone and ignore when been come up to me,  making sure to flash my engagement ring.  Around midnight I start feeling tired and wave to Lisa, and walk up to Matt, “Can I borrow your phone to call a can Matt? I want to head home and my battery died .” He nods and hands me his phone while his eyes follow some bouncing buxom on the dance floor. I take a moment and send a text to Vanessa “At Starlite if you'd like to join me.”

And I put the phone back in his hand as she responds “YOU HARLOT!” he exclaims as he reads the message “She'll be here in 20….” I lean forward and peck his cheek,  “You're welcome.”

I spend the rest I'd the weekend and week chatting with Colin as I can, cleaning the apartment,  working and tending my tattoo,  it's better than I could imagine,  it fills me with so many emotions when I see it that I can't even explain,  what Kayla did to the treble clef was more than I could ever imagine.  When I'm not talking to Colin I'm following his day to day in Instagram and Facebook, watching his interviews and discussions,  social media placement hints of the upcoming tour & album.  Album releases beginning of April and ticket sales start early May, and by the first week of June we will be in Europe. My heart flutters at the quickness of this whole thing,  I'm still in shock that I'm able to go,  but thankful for it,  these past 10 days without Colin has been painful,  I can't imagine 6 months again or even a year!

I park the car in the lot and walk through to the airport, Colin had messaged me when they boarded that everything was on time and they would be landing shortly before 130am. I'm wearing a warm sweater and a pair of jeans,  I make my way to the arrivals terminal and am surprised by the amount of people waiting,  specifically the media,  I knew the interviews and promotion had gone well,  but I didn't think that well. A small slew of fans also sat on some benches while I lean against a pillar a little ways away from the commotion.

I watch as the plane arrives and the passenger boarding bridge is attached,  my heart rate increases as passengers unload from the plane, I'm watching everyone deplane and I hear before I see when Colin walks through the gate.  My eyes meet his and he gives me the most devastating smile,  my heart is done and I'm no longer caring about the media or fans as I catapult myself through the terminal and into his arms, our mouths crushing into each other. 

His arms pull me tight against him and his hair veiling us from everyone around us,  my arms around his neck.  I pull back between sweet glorious kisses and look at him “Hey!” His lip lifts in a mocking smile “I'm really starting to think you've gotten attached!”

“In your dreams metal head!” I snicker as I play on his lips with mine.  We separate long enough for him to grab his luggage, then he wraps a long arm around me pulling me closer to him and we walk out of the airport,  except for the short period of time while we get into the vehicle he doesn't stop touching me,  almost like I'm a dream.  The conversation's minimal while we drive through the city,  we both taking each other's company in,  I pull into our parking spot and smile at him,  he looks exhausted,  but his eyes haven't left me the entire way.  He grabs his suitcase from the trunk as I go unlock the doors to the building and the apartment. 

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now