Chapter 7

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Colin slams his hands on his desk, and I flinch. My eyes wide at him, as he looks at me,  my finger comes up “Don't you dare! Don't you dare look at me like that.” The muscle in his clenched jaw jumps,  and he runs his hand through his hair trying to get control of his emotions.  I flash back to our last fight in this office so long ago,  and with a similar look in his eyes. 

“We have known each other over three years and never once deserved that look you're giving me! I'm not your God Damned emotional punching bag.” His cobalt eyes flash at my sharp tone,  a sneer comes across his mouth,  its both dangerous and beautiful. He stands not saying a word,  just watching me,  his face closed to emotion or thoughts,  great…. Again.  I roll my eyes.

“That's it! Don't say a word,  just stand there. God! I should be so used to your damned useless silence when even the smallest thing goes wrong,  but no! When you decide to stop blaming me for shit I have nothing to do with, come find me,  until then Fuck You Colin.” I turn away from him to head to the door,  and don't see him covering the distance between him,  he grabs my waist as I grab the door. His free hand locks the handle as he turns me around  His eyes burn into mine like dry ice on my skin,  the muscle in his jaw jumps as he clenches his teeth,  “Kitten, you are way too fucking attractive when you're angry.”

“I'm not angry,  I'm fucking…..” frustrated,  the word is on my lips but not faster than he can capture my mouth with his.  He pulls back for a moment,  mischief playing in his eyes “Shut up Kitten" then he captures my mouth again to put value behind his words.  My hands slide up to his chest as his find my hips,  he groans against my mouth as I wrap my arms around his neck pulling my body closer, pressing my breasts against his chest.

He pulls back from me breathing heavy, “I'm not thinking you did anything Kitten,  I had merely been thinking.”

“Maybe you should stop thinking?” I push against his chest,  he takes a few steps back pulling me back with him as his hands stay on my hips.  “Oh, but right now I'm thinking of something else,  are you sure I should stop?” with his words his hands slide up my hips,  he pulls my shirt out from my skirt waistband and allows his hands to slide up under the fabric,  igniting my skin “I've told you before what getting angry does to me……” his head comes down to my neck,  his tongue tracing a path from my hollow to my collarbone,  I moan and my hands find his hair.  He pulls me back towards his chair,  and collapses onto it.

“How is it kitten,  that you can make me forget what I was thinking about?” I smile at him “I'm not sure,  but I can guarantee it has something to do with the fact that you're easily aroused? Or as horny as a teenager?"

He laughs and pulls me astride him,  and I blush at how accurate my words are, and his eyes gleam “Are you really surprised at what you do to me Amber? After all this time it still makes you blush?” his hand slides against the fabric between my legs and I arch closer to him “Mmmm, I see you still like that. I know what I do to you…” Within moments he's gotten me panting and grabbing for his shirt, reaching for some kind of solid force to keep me upright, he chuckles as he pulls my skirt a little higher to pull me closer into him and not rip the fabric.  “You're an incorrigible metal head!” I slip my hands down to free him from his pants not caring that we're in his, our office,  my mouth slides along his neck and chest along his open collar, he groans and positions me so I take all of him, he does it so quickly that I cry out in surprise, “Shhh kitten, can't have anyone knowing what we are up to….” one of his hands takes residence on the small of my back while his other on my throat, I rock my hips, feeling risqué behind a simple locked door.  I simper against his mouth as I move faster against him,  my brain remembering I'm at work and we are on borrowed time,  at any point could someone knock on his door for assistance. He feels my urgency and his mouth picks up speed on my chest,  kissing, suckling and nipping. My hips tighten and I suffocate my scream on his lips that I drag back to mine,  he grunts and pants as he takes what is his after I've taken mine.  My eyes flash at him as I stand up off of him,  “Do not think that will become a common occurrence!”

“I don't think kitten,  I know.” I walk to my desk and throw a ball of paper at him as he laughs.  He walks quietly to the door and quietly unlocks the knob.

I return to my computer and start working on some files Carter sent me,  but my mind is elsewhere,  I tap mindlessly on my desk with my pen,  I hear the faint sound of the music coming from his headphones.  If Devin really was up here what was it for? Why was he so interested in the developers floor. I start researching the company Carter purchased, and merged with the company.  GlenCore was an underfunded data entry organization that relied heavily on outside sources for development outside of data and design,  by making bad deals they ended up with payables exceeding receivables.  I keep typing and researching,  and at the end of the day I have more questions then answers. I stretch my arms over my head and I feel Colin's hands slide up my sides and arms.  “Long shift?”

I smile “Yeah the new boss is a slave driver.” I stand up and kiss him lightly.  “Shall we?”

He wraps his arm around me and curls me close to him as we leave the office,  and for the second time in the time that I've known him Colin locks the door to his office.

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now