Chapter 13

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I stretch my arms out,  music blasting in my headphones I'm going through Colin's emails plotting out flights and hotel reservations.  When I quit Carter Corp a little over a month ago I was worried that I wouldn't be pulling my weight,  and I will happily admit I was wrong.  Though my work environment is much more relaxed sitting on the couch with my phone,  computer and scheduling books around me,  shifting through everything has taken up most of my days.  I start when Colin heads to shift only stopping to start dinner,  and ending just shortly before bed after meeting with him and going over any questions.  We have a month until our first flight,  and organizing transportation,  shipping of material and equipment,  rehearsal, interviews and travel time has taken up most of my time, though we have a good amount of time between shows to allow Colin time to rest,  the interviews and meet & greets often conflict in timing. 

I'm going over two of the meet and greets that look way too close together searching the two different towns to see how far they are actually from one another when two hands set on my shoulders,  I jump whipping my headphones off, the two soul piercing eyes meeting mine twinkle with humor,  as do the lips that are curled at the very corner.

I swing the pillow I was leaning against at him which he dodges skillfully, “Shouldn't you still be at work?” I look at him disdainfully for interrupting my thought patterns. I take a moment to appreciate the view in front of me,  I can be annoyed but doesn't stop me from admiring him,  tall and lean,  not scrawny but muscular,  long sleek ebony hair that begs to have my hands dug into, black suit, loose tie and headphones around his neck,  white shirt undone and untucked, I let my eyes drift south of the border and lay for a moment on his bulge then onto his long legs that make up the majority of his height.

“Should be, but it’s a Friday and I wanted to take the afternoon off to spend with my fiancée.” He bends forward and lays a gentle kiss on my forehead his long hair caressing my shoulders and face, while his hand closes my laptop on everything I was doing.  “COLIN!”

“What? I want to spend time with you alone right now. There will be enough time between now and when we leave Kitten.” I sigh and stand up putting my computer on the coffee table.  “You have no idea how busy you're going to be….” He pulls me against his chest,  his gorgeous eyes meeting mine causing me to forget everything, “Exactly,  which is why this weekend is ours.”

“I can't take the whole weekend! We only have a month left.  We still have to find someone to sublet the apartment,  make arrangements for midnight,  finalize the first plane..” his mouth crushes down on mine and I surrender to his mouth,  his tongue plunging into mine in a feverish method,   “At least that still works.” He smiles “What works?” I look at him with a raised eyebrow, catching my breath.

“Shutting you up.  Kitten, do you trust me?” I lean into him as his hand slides up my spine “Always.” I let my anxiety go a little,  relaxing into his arms,  “Then understand that I have things under control enough for you to take a break this weekend.” I nod against his broad chest,  inhaling his spicy woodsy smell,  feeling the warmth of his body against me as he keeps me drawn against him.  “You're going to have enough time to freak out in the next couple weeks, a few days isn't going to change it.” He steps back flicking me between my eyes,  “So enough with whatever is going on in there. It can wait till Monday. This weekend you are all mine!” his voice husky and insinuating with his last sentence.  “You are a royal pain in the ass! But I'll give you the weekend,  on Monday it's back to prep and getting your ass ready for this.  Have you seen your Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter?! Since they released the European album I can't even keep up.”

“Kitten….” He looks at me,  his lips drawn and rolling his eyes “Ok, ok. I'm just freaking out a little.” I sigh “But I'll give you the weekend.” He grabs my phone, stuffs it into his pocket, I play pout as he chuckles “You won't even notice it's gone!”

I grumble and throw myself on the couch looking at him,  “I'm assuming you have something planned considering you're home early and I know you.”  He sits beside me and puts an arm behind my neck,  his hand moving in small circles loosening the muscles.

“Well firstly Ms. Secretary,  I have a show tomorrow night to anticipate the upcoming tour. So tonight I plan on bringing my woman for supper,  a couple drinks then back home to ravage her body. ” I start reaching for my phone even remember he has it and I grab my scheduling book moaning away the fact I'd forgotten something so important! I start flipping through pages and his large hand grabs my book and tosses it on the coffee table. “Stop Amber,  breathe.”

“This is why I can't take the weekend! I'm forgetting about important things,  if I'm not organized your going to miss something!” I use my finger and thumb and pinch the bridge of my nose between my eyes,  my breathing ragged. I try to get up but he pulls me back down,  his hands cup my cheeks,  “Amber,  seriously…..” my eyes lock with his and I focus on them,  trying to organize my breathing, I must look like a real tool, I'm not even the one performing and I'm losing my shit, but really this is out of this world,  so much has changed in the last few months that I have no idea which way is up. His lips come to mine gently and confidently,  as I close my eyes grabbing what little is left of my sanity, and I plunge my hands into his hair drowning in his lips,  his hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer to him.

Once we've taken from each other what we want in that simplistic but passionate kiss I pull my mouth away and smile at him “So what's for dinner?” as I ask the question he leans forward and kisses my nose tip  rolling his eyes. 

“I don't think I'll feed you now.” He smirks at me flicking me between the eyes,  I swipe at his hand and he just laughs at me as I pout “Such a short little kitten.” I growl and throw myself at him playfully,  he grabs me in his arms and pulls me up to his mouth and lays a gentle kiss on my pursed lips “Quit sulking. You'll eat, can't risk that perfectly plump ass of yours getting too thin.” I grumble and get up heading to the bedroom to change as he laughs from the couch,  “Hurry up now,  we don't have all day.”  I growl at him and decide for semi formal,  I have no idea what the plan is. I select a simple little black dress,  low cut and well fitted, hair up and smoky eyes and natural makeup. Feeling like I want to pay him back for his earlier teasing I choose to go commando.  I walk out and grab my daily pumps slipping them on.  I feel him staring at me and I look up and over my shoulder “What? Is there something on my dress?” I swivel my hips back and forth to see my reflection in the long mirror.

He chuckles and walks up me putting his hands on my hips “No,  it's what's in your dress.” He lowers his lips to my neck and lavishly kisses it causing me to tilt back into him groaning as his teeth graze my sensitive skin.  I feel his body tense against my back and my breathing increases,  one hand driving into his hair. His hand slides along my thigh to the edge of my skirt and he slides it up the fabric, he groans when he finds my little secret. “Oh..” I smile and purr against him, quite aware of the reaction he has to the fact that all that is between him and me is a very thin piece of fabric.

I lean back towards him, spreading my legs allowing his hand access to feel along my groin to my soft vee, his fingers tease the skin lightly and my breathing catches in my throat, his teeth scrape along the edge of my neck, his hair tickling my back and shoulder causing me to groan, his breath catches at the moist warmth that greets him when he slides his fingers deeper between my thighs.  He pets me slowly,  my mind goes blank, my eyes closed and my breath catches,  as soon as he started however,  he stops.  He pulls his hand away lowers my skirt and pulls away from me.  “I don't think it's time for that yet Kitten, tonight.” He walks away from me to grab his coat tucking in the shirt he wore to work and I lean against the wall frustrated,  aroused and very much aggravated. He just smiles at me, “So,  what do you think,  dinner?” he throws his coat over his shoulder and opens the door to the apartment.  “You are going to pay for this slowly and painfully.” I threaten him,  my voice husky still from my arousal and he just  gives me that smirk that makes me fall head over heels every time. 

I follow him out the door and out of the building,  making our way to a small little restaurant down the street from the apartment.  One of the things I love the most about living in New York is that there is never a lack of places to go and eat or drink.  From casual to five star you really only need to go within a five block area to find more options than you could dream of. 

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now