Chapter 46 - The Coming Changes

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Jake was waiting outside the doorway to the Empress' courtroom where the heated exchange of the three faction leaders was taking place. He'd been called in not too long ago to give a report about what had happened while he was here. Maxwell the Elven King had listened to his words with an eerie silence to him, while Wallace and Yoko let their heads hang down low. Jake really wasn't too sure how he felt about Maxwell, he looked more human than Yoko, but there was also a coldness about him that made him less so than either Wallace or the Empress. After Jake had finished giving his report, Rex who had been found in the grand training room with his sternum caved in had been called in next. Much like Jake before him Maxwell had heard what he had to say and dismissed them both with a simple wave of his hand. 

It was impossible to tell whether or not the King was furious with what he'd heard, or if he found them all to be completely delusional. The next to give a report was the Enforcer of the Monarch himself Ajax. He was allowed to stay inside much longer than either Jake or Rex, but much like them he'd apparently been dismissed with a wave of his hand.  Afterwards Jack had told Jake about the King. "He's a well and just King at all times." He'd said speaking of the King with great admiration. "A great ruler who puts the lives of all the people under his dominion before himself. But in times such as these, his majesty will always heed the words of those who have been there and will rely on them to be his eyes and ears. Only when he has all the knowledge he needs will he ever take action."

Well he certainly didn't seem as rash as Wallace does, nor does he seem as harsh and unfeeling as Yoko. But there was still something about the Elven King that Jake didn't like. Something just didn't feel right with him, Jake just hadn't a clue what that may have been. Rex had left the hall to check on his aunts, both of whom had survived their battle with Stark but neither one would be seeing any action for awhile. Even with the help of a witch, the wounds they'd suffered would take a few months to heal properly. Jack had said he'd needed to attend to some duties which left Jake all but alone here in the hallway. There were the occasional passersby, but none of them so much as glanced in his direction.

Eve was attending to Rayne who after her excessive use of her power last night could hardly even move on her own and required Eve's help just to stand up. Issac- well... Jake looked down at the note he'd been given that'd been addressed to him. It was found nailed to one of the wooden pillars of the palace.

Jake, I'm sorry but I won't be coming back. At least not right away, my son needs me. Try to understand. 


Jake more than understood, Issac needed to be there for his son... whatever that meant. But still he couldn't help but feel- weird. Issac had been there with him for nearly a year now, and the two of them had become rather good at working together. Now that he wasn't coming back with them it just- it felt as though he'd lost a piece of himself. After all the Gargoyle had saved his life a good number of times while they were working together, now that he was gone- Who would be there to watch his back?

As if the universe were seeking to answer his question someone came to sit beside him and when Jake turned his head he was met with two green eyes looking back at him. "Looks like you're off in your own world there." Lance said with a lighthearted smile at him, though Jake could only blink in response. "Do you-" Lance let out a sigh as he leaned back and lightly hit the back of his head on the wooden wall they were sitting against. "Would it be okay if I moved back into the apartment?"

Jake could only look at Lance with a made up of equal parts confusion and surprise. Was he really asking that? "Look, I know- I know you and I have... Well to say we haven't exactly gotten along would be the understatement of the year but..." Lance trailed off for a moment before suddenly his knees came up to his chin and he looked like he were beginning to shake a bit. When next he spoke there was a tremor in his voice that told Jake he was doing his absolute best not to cry but for all his attempts he wasn't very good at hiding it. 

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