-Epilogue- Left A Hole Where My Heart Should Be (Morgan)

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Author's Note:  Before we begin what is the end of Witch Sisters Four And TMNT, I would like to take another moment to thank you all once again.  This has been a great experience, for all of us, really.  Over these two years that LifesPuppet and TabithaDarkDreamer and I have worked on this, it has truly been a blessing to see our writing styles grow, to see each other grow.  Thank you for taking this journey with us.

As I pointed out in the previous chapter, the Halliwell sisters will make an appearence in a sequel entitled Witch Sisters Three, MNT, And... The Runes of Time.  The three of us are working very hard at hammering out details, but our general storyline is going very, very well.  You'll get a snipet of what it's all about at the end of this epilogue!

FAIR WARNING:  There are some very dark undertones in this chapter.  If you are prone to self-harm- 1) please come talk to me, that's the last thing you should be doing you beautiful, beautiful soul you, and 2) TRED. WITH. CAUTION.

The song to accompany this epilogue is posted to the right- please give it a looksie, I think it ties everything together pretty nicely!



Life wasn’t the same after the war in New York City.  People rebuilt what had fallen, painted over the chaos that had reigned for that one solid week, grieved over the lives lost and celebrated the lives saved.  The mayor called for the destruction of Foot Tower, and I remember watching it tumble to the ground.  My hands had been tucked deep in the pocket of my baggy, black sweatshirt, the hood framing my face.  I wept, although I couldn’t tell you why.  The autumn chill had turned my tear stains to ice, and the external burn had almost felt good.  It was the end, it was all over.

For the witch sisters and our teenage mutant ninja turtles… the true battle was only beginning.

My sisters and I were anything but.  We had sacrificed too much, lost what we had taken for granted.  Becca may not have played a strong role, but without her, we were just three.  The concept was something to which none of us could adjust, yet the reality of it all shoved itself down our throats and refused to let us breathe.  Becca had been Kylee's crutch, her other half, her twin- without her, Ky was lost, alone, confused.  Her gaze had turned blank, and for once she just sat.  She sat with Becca’s old clipboard in her hands and stared at it for days.  My older sister was never one for bottling up emotions, she worked through them by hitting something over and over and over until she had it dealt with.  But walking into her room everyday to find her unchanging, unmoving, fragile… It made me sick all over again.

Caitlyn had changed, odd as that sounds.  It felt wrong to even call her “Kit Kat” anymore, because that version of her was long gone.  She was no longer kind-hearted, sweet, and innocent the war had made sure of that.  My little sister was a shadow, hard and cold.  Sometimes I saw glimpses of her old self, but they were rare occasions as she was hardly ever home.  She spent more time around Donatello than anybody else, and I’d like to believe that the brainiac simply made her numb to what she was feeling.  If he was her balance, I was not going to argue.  But I hated being around Leonardo because his pain of losing her to his brother wasn’t something I particularly enjoyed, or even really registered, on my empathy scale.

As for me, well… I didn’t sleep.  I laid on my bed and blasted anything rock because it blocked the world out.  I stared at the ceiling, watching the blades of my fan spin around and around, and pretended I was anywhere but trapped in the God-forsaken place that I once called home.  And I replayed everything again, and again, and again until I bled.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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