chapter 29

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Alice was healing quite well. Her cast was off and she had gotten her surgery done. She couldn't get the thought of the car blowing her up and that gave her nightmares. She didn't tell anyone but she wasn't able to sleep at night.

One day, Derek came home late. He went out to meet Willy around 10 p.m. Willy had asked to meet him because they had gotten to know that Daniel had fled the asylum. Derek was worried about his family's safety.

"Taylor, it's me, Derek." He said as Taylor picked up the phone.

"Yes sir, is everything okay?" He asked.

"Tell everyone to meet me in the security room in twenty minutes. Make sure nobody is left out." Derek said.

"Yes, sir. will do. Anything else?" He asked.

"That'll be all for now," Derek said as he hung up the call.

Derek reached home and as he was going to the security room, he passed Alice's room. He could hear someone sobbing quietly. He turned the doorknob softly to see Alice curled up like a frightened little kitten and she was sobbing. Derek touched her shoulder lightly. Alice nearly jumped.

"Ww..what are you doing here, brother?" She asked with panic visible in her eyes.

"I was passing outside your door, I heard some sounds so just came in to check. Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yyyyes I'm fine, brother." She stammered.

"What's bothering you, Alice? Let it out. Tell me." Derek sat beside her as he made circles on her arm. He enveloped her in his arms. He held her sister like a glass doll.

"Every night I see the accident replaying in my head. A black car coming to blow me off. I don't know where that car came from. I wanted to move out of its way but I couldn't. It hits me every night. I can't sleep." She said as she sobbed hysterically.

"Oh, Alice. Don't let these foul memories hurt you. I'm here for you. Emily is here. Mother is here. We're all here to protect you. We won't let him harm you. We won't let anything harm you, okay? Now sleep. Sleep like the good girl you are." He said as he covered her with the duvet and left her room.

Derek was angry. He wanted to get to Daniel as soon as possible. He couldn't let him ruin his family. He made a promise to himself that he'll promise his family no matter what the price is. Family always came first for him.

Derek stormed into the room. All security personnel was there.

"I'm so sorry everyone but it's a matter that needed to be discussed urgently." He said as he paced around the room.

"A man named Daniel is on the loose. He has had a history with my family and has fled from a rehab. Anyone that enters the estate should be checked thoroughly before entering the premises. No weapons are allowed. If there are any servicemen coming in for wedding preparations, note their names and ID. I don't want anyone to be harmed. If anyone is harmed while you people are on service, I won't hesitate to kill you all with my own hands. It's my family and nobody lays a bad eye on them, you've got to make sure of it. You're all dismissed." He said as he stormed out of the room. He was angry. Really angry. He wanted his relaxant. Emily was his relaxant. He wanted her.

Derek went to Emily's room and opened the door slightly ajar. She was sleeping soundly. He went inside and sat on one of the chairs in her room. He looked at her sleeping form. Her hair spread out like a halo on an angel's head. Her beautiful eyes closed. Her face shining in the dim moonlight that entered through the window. He touched her hair lightly. She was his angel and no matter what happened he was going to protect her from every harm. He couldn't wait to call her his wife. He would never give up on her. He stood up and walked out of the room.

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