Chapter 13

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Derek shut off all the lights, checked the gas knobs in the kitchen, locked the doors and then he came to his bedroom where his Emily was sleeping.  She wasn't actually sleeping but she just had her eyes closed. Derek couldn't see that because the room was dark. He sat beside her and gently pulled up the duvet up to her shoulder so she wouldn't feel cold.

He was just removing himself from her side when she caught her hand.

"Please stay, Derek." She pleaded.

"I'm here Emily. Don't worry." He said as he took out a duvet from the cupboard and a pillow. He spread them on the floor on her side of the bed.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor, Derek? It's cold. You'll catch a cold." Emily asked confused.

"I don't fit on the couch and I can't sleep in the same bed as you because we are not in a relationship." He said stating his point.

"And besides that, I move a lot in my sleep. I don't want you to get hurt." He said as he made himself comfortable.

"Its okay Derek.  I know you're not comfortable sharing the bed with me. But it's your house. I just can't let you sleep on the cold floor while I'm taking your warm bed. "She said as she tried to sit up straight.

Derek was by her side at once. He switched on the bedside lamp and helped her sit up straight with pillows propped behind her. As he touched her back, he felt her body temperature high.  He thought she was having fever. 

"Umm Emily?" He asked.
"Yes, Derek." She replied.
"Are you having fever because your body is quite warm?" He asked her.
"No, I'm not it's my normal body temperature. I have a bit higher body temperature than most of the people because my mother had the same thing as well." She replied.
"Oh okay." He said.
"Emily I wanted to give you something." He said to her as he went out to get her the roses he bought for her that afternoon.
"Here. These are for you." He said as he sat beside her and handed her the beautiful roses.

"Derek, these are the most beautiful roses I've ever received.   In fact, I never got any flowers. I love roses." She said as two tears escaped her eyes.

"There's one more thing that I have to ask you as I give you these roses." He sat as he wiped the tears from her face.

"What's that?" She asked confused.

He held her face and looked straight in her captivating eyes.
"Will you be a part of my life? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Two more tears escaped her eyes and then she tried standing up from the bed. Derek helped her stand up from the bed. She put her slippers on and she tried walking towards the door. She took her arm back from Derek's grip and opened the door. But Derek didn't leave her completely. The moment he let her loose she stumbled and was about to fall but he caught her by her waist and pulled her into his chest.

They were standing too close. Their bodies were touching each other. And the proximity was making Derek too uncomfortable but he couldn't let Emily go or she would fall.
He gently loosened his grip and held her shoulders. He came to stand in front of her.

"You can't walk properly. Where do you think you're going?" He asked her.

"I need space, Derek.  I can't be with you in the same house knowing about your feelings for me. I can't do this. Let me go." She said still crying.

"I just put my feelings in front of you and you're crying? Why? Did I hurt you?" He asked confused.

He made her sit on the bed and he sat at her feet with his legs crossed.

"Derek, to be honest,  I like you a lot too but I can't just start a relationship with you because I'm a mess. My life's a mess. Everything's messed up around me. I don't want you to suffer for my mistakes or my past. I can't be with you." She said now crying hysterically.

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